Cadre Sister

In an alternate reality, each of the senshi has a special gift; one that only serves to condem them.
Book One: Mind Walking
Chapter Onel Chapter Twol Chapter Threel Chapter Fourl Chapter Fivel Chapter Sixl

lThe Catchl

She was supposed to take the boat from China to Japan. She was supposed to meet Chiba Mamoru and fall in love with him. But something has hindered Usagi on her journey, something she will not reveal even to the man she loves.

lGolden Spidersl

It would seem that Evil Prince Endymion can�t keep his hands off Usagi, despite the fact that she�s the enemy.

No Rest For the Wicked
co written with Patch

What if, instead of trying to *kill* Usagi, Beryl decided to try and convert her? Mamoru and the Senshi have been struggling against the Dark Kingdom for years, but now they will face their greatest advisary: Yumei Usagi, who could also be their savior.
Prologuel Chapter Onel Chapter Twol

lStand On My Ownl

Stranded in the future Crystal Tokyo, Usagi learns there are some things she needs to do by herself.

Tattered Angelco written with Rinoa

Pregnant with her first child, Chiba Usagi seems to a perfectly happy expectant mother. But beneath that facade she hides her fears. She worries she has nothing to give her daughter, she worries that she will not be a good mother. Now a freak accident has landed her in the past, with a fifteen year old boy named Mamoru. Could this reserved, cold young man really be *Chiba* Mamoru?
Chapter Onel Chapter Twol Chapter Threel

The Will of Heaven

An alternate veiw of the Silver Millennium, in which Beryl�s family succeeds in conquering the moon. Thus Luna is forced to hide her young charge Serenity, the true heir to the throne, until the time is *just* right.
Chapter Onel Chapter Twol Chapter Threel Chapter Fourl Chapter Fivel Chapter Sixl Chapter Sevenl Chapter Eight
Chapter Ninel

You can read more of Meredith�s work at her website, Horizon, or contact her at [email protected].

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