Interested in submitting a piece to our archive? (Ariana: Really? WooHOO!) Please read the instructions below.

FanFiction Submissions

Hentai stories will not be accepted into the regular archive. We are considering a seperate section, but it�s not official yet.

Please send the following information with your story:

  • The Title
  • Your Pen Name
  • Email
  • Time Frame (Sailor Moon R, Silver Millennium, Crystal Tokyo, etc)
  • Genre (romance, drama, character sketch.. etc.)

We also request that you send the stories either in the body of the email, or as a .txt file. If you're confused about what to do, we'll be happy to answer questions!

Please note that this does not guarantee that your story will be posted. We are looking for quality fanfiction (well-written, good plot, nice characterization... basically, something that Ariana--ahem!--*everyone*, regardless of their preferences, can enjoy and appreciate). We'll email you within three days if it has been accepted, but here's a hint: Gally and Ariana are constantly looking for new good writers! =)

That said, please send all submissions to [email protected].


FanArt Submissions

For those interested in submiting fan art, please read the following guidelines:

Tasteful nudity is acceptable, but we will not accept anything remotely questionable.

Please send your artworks as .gif files and include the following information in the body of your email.

  • Pen Name
  • Email
  • Gallery the work should be placed in

As with the fanfiction, submitting a piece will not guarantee that we will accept it. We are looking for talent. ^_^

That said, please send all submissions to [email protected].

Thank you so much for your interest. We hope to see your contributions soon! =)

~Gally and Ariana

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