Brooding in Memoria
Cloud, Kingdom Hearts
WHEEEEEE! I'm so proud of how this turned out ^_^. Every time I try to draw my ultimate hottie Cloud it turns out so badly, save for a couple of flukes. As with the case of the Kite picture, I started this during the beginning of summer but gave up on it with only a head and torso (a very sexy head and torso, but that was it...). But one night I bit the bullet and finished the drawing, which I now consider one of my best pieces. Aww, hell, THE best! I mean, damn, it's CLOUD for crying out loud!! Lol, anyway, it took forEVER to get all the details drawn (and correct!). Do me a favor, will you? The next time I even THINK about drawing a picture this accurately detailed, shove a knife through my cranium.


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