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Edward Scissorhands
Name: Edward Scissorhands 
Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder,Dianne Wiest, Vincent Price, Anthony Michael Hall...
Release: 1990
Genre: Fantasy
The Story:
The story begins with an old lady telling her granddaughter the story of snow, and why it snows.
Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp) lives in a gothic mansion on the top of a hill, below him, a suburban town. A very old gentle inventor (Vincent Price) has created Edward but sadly dies before he is able to give Edward his hands. Edward is left with only scissors for hands.
Peggy Boggs(Dianne West), working as an Avon representative vistits the mansion on a hopeless task to sell her make-up. She meets Edward and takes him to her home, to live with her and her family.
Edward soon becomes populair in the neighbourhood for his gift of cutting hedges into pieces of beautiful art.
From the beginning Edward fell in love with Peggy's daugther Kim (Winona Ryder). Kim only makes fun of Edward but soon she starts to realise his love.
Kim and her boyfriend Jim (Anthony Michael Hall) used Edward to break in Jims house. But Edward got caught by the police and the people do not trust him any longer. The people residing in the neighbourhood attack Edward and chase after him through the streets.
Edward runs back to his mansion and Kim follows him. But also Kim's boyfriend is there and attacks Edward with a gun. After a fight Edward kills him. Kim says goodbye and tells the people Edward and Jim killed each other in a fight. She never saw him again after that night....
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