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Elijah Wood
Full Name: Elijah Jordan Wood
Date of Birth: January 28, 1981
Place of Birth: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Height: 5'6"  (168cm)
Nicknames: Lij, Eli, Elwood, Monkey, The Funny
Siblings: Older brother Zack (28), younger sister Hannah (18)
Hobbies: Photography, cooking, singing, Star Wars
Religion: Catholic
Tattoos: One; a small Quenya (elvisch) "9" symbol
Piercings: None
Pets: Two dogs; Rascal and Levonne
Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on January 28, 1981, Elijah Jordan Wood, although refered to Elijah Wood, starting his school life showing some ordinary skills and abillities. Whilst acting and singing in school and local productions he demostraded that he had an apitude for entertaining audiences.
This then lead on to his mother bringing him to an Annual International Modelling and Talent Assocation Convention, at the age of seven. Six months later, he visted L.A., and got signed with an agent. Sensing Elijah
had enough talent to make it to Hollywood, his mother packed up and moved to LA with Elijah and Zack. His father Warren and sister, Hannah would follow later.

He soon began apperearing in several commercials, then television, which eventually followed by appearing on the big screen. Although name recognition on his roles took quite some time, Elijah's face was seen in many films, from Forever Young to Interial Affaires. Maturation soon arrived in his role in The War, where he starred alongside
Kevin Costner
But Elijah got his start in film when he appeared in 'Back to the Future II' for a brief speaking role. After a couple more small roles, he got a cosiderable part in 'Child in the Night'. After that, things just kept getting bigger.
Elijah began getting lead-child parts in film like Paradise, Avalon, Radio Flyer and more. Hailed as one of Hollywood's most gifted child-actors, he got even more parts., and it wasn't long before teenmagazines snatched him up as 'Big Blue Eyes'. Elijah continued making films, doing his schoolwork onset and avoiding regulag High School altogether
It was 1998, while filming 'The Faculty', he heard about The Lord of the Rings. Knowing that this was his chance of a lifetime, he rented a hobbitsuite and asked some friends to film him while he played a part out of the LotR books. He send this in to New Line. He was casted soon after. The rest is history...Making some of the best
friends of his life onset and doing crazy things while filming (getting a tattoo, surfing), he came away proclaiming it was a lifechanging experience. Shot fully into the spotlights, Elijah Wood reached the level of stardom most actors  dream about. Strangers call him Frodo, he is recognized wherever he goes

He was a child actor. He is not on drugs, hasn't been in therapy, and keeps on smiling. Unlike other young actors, he is obsessed with music, knows how to express himself verbally, and seems to be one of the nicest people anyone could ever meet. Who would've thought that little Spaz would have to become one of Hollywood's most aclaimed and talented actors?
Young Elijah
Fact File
Thanks to Elijahfan.com for the biography!!
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