Revelation Is About To Be Fulfilled !
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This Site Is Dedicated To The Most High God Yahweh
How The Tribulation Will Begin
The Great Tribulation will begin suddenly. It will begin with a global earthquake that effectively disrupts the activities of the whole world. (Rev.8:5) God has a few things to say to the human race, and He intends to arrest the attention of the world with a massive earthquake that literally stops everything and everybody in their tracks. The sudden cessation of life as we know it will force everyone to stop and wonder what is going on.  This coming earthquake is particularly interesting because geologists theorized a 'global earthquake' was  physically impossible untill the early 1990's.  Now, physical evidence is proving that Earth's tectonic plates go much deeper into the core of Earth than previously thought, and this information has caused geoscientists to change their thinking.  The book of Revelation predicts that there will be a total of four global earthquakes(Rev8:5  11:19  16:18)
These earthquakes will increasing rip up the surface of the world, and the infrastructures of travel, communication and manufacturing will collapse during the Great Tribulation.  These earthquakes have no equal in recored history. Each  earthquake with have greater strength than the one before it. The final earthquake will be so violent that it will literally move all of the mountains and islands from their places. (Rev 16:20,  6:14)
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