Welcome to my Guestbook!

Nutopia - 12/19/00 15:49:08
My URL:your going to do that for me aren't you Arleen?
My Email:If you don't know it then you wasn't supposed to know : )

Howdy all, well Arleen I finally got time to look at your page, notably impressed, so when ya going to work on mine!? I should be there again for the Febuary convention in NY, see you then Nutopia

Rodney - 12/05/00 04:21:22
My Email:[email protected]

Although I see you and talk to you, I still like to visit here every now and then. I like the Picks Flix even if I don't agree with some of the reviews. Did you write them all (IMNSHO:The 'blaxpoitation era' was never glorious)?

Fuad - 11/14/00 13:49:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct2/cityofwinds
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Arlene. Great site. You did big job and I really enjoyed visiting your site. You placed there nice pictured, especially the one with Shyla Foxx. Please visit my site and sign my guestbook. Take care......

Jaime - 11/14/00 12:33:16
My URL:http://JuNKiztairc.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]

Hey! I don't know you but I'm 16 I live in Oregon. I just saw a rerun of saterday night live and saw Buster Poindexter and thought he was sooo awesome! so I did a search and found your page! Your page is cool! keep up the good work! ~pez

- 10/12/00 03:31:26

I saw Sandra Bernhart on Phil Donanhue many,many years ago. She made me realize at a tender age that "looks" are not important.I have followed her advice ever since then. I am now 33 yrs. (good looking)and am proud that I never used my looks to get ahead so I think) Very Important Statement! I believe that good looking people get away with a lot more - and do not realize it. I beleive that Sandra should do a Tv show, showing the differences between how good looking people get treated versus not so great ookin people. Good Luck, Elizabeth A. Harkins

Robert The Mad - 09/22/00 09:02:34
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Arlene Rodney and I need women!!!! Get busy Girl !!!!! anyway the page is cool keep up the good work!

Virginia and Lourdes - 07/25/00 15:54:16
My Email:[email protected]

Arlene, we just dropped by to wish you a "HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY!!!" Enjoy your day.

Virginia and Lourdes - 07/12/00 07:57:47
My Email:[email protected]

Arlene, we guess this is our first time to sign your guestbook even though we have visited your site a couple of times now. Great Oahu and Maui pics! Just wondering, did you get our email we sent to your [email protected]? More power to you nd to your site.

Patrick - 06/22/00 04:50:46
My Email:[email protected]

Pretty cool cite, I give it the quintuple YAY!Gotta show me how to do this sometime. Dammit, Ramona got kicked off. What is this world coming to.

fella hukilao sistah - 06/06/00 21:49:39
My Email:[email protected].

hi arlene - hey, your card didn't have an email address and i want to send u the scanned HUKILAO lessons we did at Paradise Cove! gimme the 411. :) P.S. COCONUTS! (shaking ma behind) and MAINLAND RULES!

Anne Marie Kearns - 05/14/00 20:26:27
My Email:[email protected]

There, now Arlene, I officially registered on your guestbook.

Joanne and Mhean - 05/08/00 13:03:00
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:speedjone18

Dear Arlene, We were so amused by your website, It really fun and beatiful, especially when you were in your "2-piece" got the GUT feeling! nice of you fella! Just keep your health at your best FIT - I dare you to TOPLESS! pwede!? Si Mhean kaya yun...ju t kidding ako k'se ALL OUT! Anyway, miss you GEL! and keep in touch! Thanks for the fantastic view!

kev (wiz) - 05/04/00 13:22:40
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Arlene .. your website is far much better than mine you're right on that. Howz your video card/burner coming along. email me. good work ... very creative. Kev.

Marius - 05/04/00 01:29:29
My Email:[email protected]


Michelle Harrison - 05/03/00 22:24:36
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent! I'm taking pointers...

maria and lenore - 04/29/00 15:06:17
My Email:[email protected]

hey so you had fun last night? hope to see you tonight, or we'll drag you from the karaoke bar tonight. hope you enjoy you dinner! and lenore says your pictures are awesome!!!! see you tonight

Oriyah - 04/11/00 23:25:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/journal/oriyahs/OLN
My Email:[email protected]

Hey! You don't know me, I just got here through the link from xenafan.com. I thought it would be dumb, but your site is very awesome...You have talent. You sound like a fun person! I've always wanted to go to Meow Mix. Where is it? (OR rather, how w uld I get there from the GWB and what is the address?----------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway, EVERYONE PLEASE VISIT MY WEB SITE!!! You won't regret it. Caps count. Also, please remember to sign my guestbook, b cause otherwise, I feel sad. ok?! Peace out! Alrighty then.

David Lopez - 03/29/00 14:05:40
My Email:[email protected]

I like your work, this is a great peace of talent you have.Keep it up,and you'll do even better next time around.

Vince - 02/29/00 15:42:06
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Arlene, your site is AWESOME. Stumbled on to it while trying to search the web for photos and info on Sandra Bernhart. She's as elusive on the web as she is in real life! Great photos, you're as cute as a button! Maybe someday we'll actually SEE you o a Xena episode, and I can say, "I knew her when..."

Rommel Derecho - 02/28/00 22:51:46
My Email:[email protected]

Not bad kid! How are ya? Sorry about not writing but heck I was just a tad bit busy... Well here's my new e-mail. Looking great kid!

Infosaur - 02/28/00 04:58:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/info_saur/
My Email:[email protected]

Nice to talk to you today. You made the "guardians of the gate" very happy as we passed time on a stupid position. Please return the favor and visit my web site soon. We must talk of Paintball and hot tub parties. Join Starfleet and see new life & new civilizations, join the Terran Empire and conqure them!

Elise - 02/25/00 17:32:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Comet/5456
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Arlene--long time, no see! Your page looks great. One of these nights I'll get back to Meow Mix--law school has been hellishly overworking me... I've been doing some traveling myself--Japan and Ecuador in the last 6 months or so! Great fun, I agre . I think the last time I saw you was at the Natalie Merchant concert on 40-something street. hmmmm. anyway, take care, and hope to catch up with you soon!

[email protected] - 01/16/00 13:47:06

Talk about having a good time at such a young age....I m planning on doing the same cuz i get airline discount hope to see the world too

andrew - 01/08/00 17:24:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Arlene! This is Deb's freind from North Dakota. I like your website. One of these days, I gotta get one. I liked the picture of you wearing the British Flag and of you playing Laser Tag.

libra - 12/31/99 00:33:28
My Email:[email protected]

Arlene...you really have a lot of pictures on your HP, i hope that you have frequent travel miles for your sake, it's a pity i did'nt bump into you on some places that we've both been. til next ish...

bahgat - 12/25/99 19:35:22
My Email:[email protected]

i like your page it looks great

Garrett Mok - 12/14/99 22:28:50
My URL:http://www.ingaugemedia.com
My Email:[email protected]

Cool page, Arlene! Talk to you soon. Love, G

Jason - 12/10/99 22:25:30

Great stuff, Arlene. I feel we are a little less than strangers now. Can I see you again...but not on the train? Jason 212-244-5656 or 212-469-3781

Dean - 11/24/99 22:17:16
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Arlene! I just popped by to check out your much hyped and infamous website. I can't stay long this time, but I'll tool around next time. Honestly, the site looks neat. You've definitely got a future in web designing. Well, I hope your European trip is progressing well and I'll speak with you soon. Dean PS I hope to see you Swinging soon!

Bud - 11/19/99 18:14:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jerherman
My Email:[email protected]

Hey!! Check out the worlds ugliest webpage at http://www.geocities.com/jerherman It's beyond beta, it's omega!! Jer

Bud - 11/19/99 18:09:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jerherman
My Email:[email protected]

Hey!! Check out the worlds ugliest webpage. Jer

richie - 11/12/99 00:43:03
My Email:[email protected]

i hope you remember me.i drew on a balloon for you at that bar and i wanted to know if you still had it.if you do i want to see a picture of it.well let me go and i hope to hear from me soon.

Kenn Fernandez - 10/27/99 04:50:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/knetzkee
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Arlene!
I decided to visit your homepage again... you've added lots of stuff since i last visited your site... well, just keep up the great work and enjoy your out of town trips :)... see yah in Igloo and in Downtown one of these days :)
Take care,

Mike (karakoe) - 10/17/99 06:40:47
My URL:www.nitelinx.com
My Email:[email protected]

hey there.....checked out your site...not bad :) you can check out my site....its VERY beta right now and i have the newer site on disk...im looking for people to work tech stuff on it. so let me know if youyr interested in doing this. Mike

Deb - 10/06/99 04:51:18
My URL:http://debb.home.texas.net
My Email:[email protected]

Arlene, Your pictures take a bit too long to download but everything looks great! Keep up the great work and I hope to see you soon. Deb

- 10/01/99 04:55:38


Pat - 09/26/99 00:18:59
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site .. I'm a big star wars fan myself and a shyla foxxx fan :)

Pat - 09/26/99 00:18:28
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site .. I'm a big star wars fan myself and a shyla foxxx fan :)

ann ubaldo - 07/24/99 04:28:06
My Email:[email protected]

hi arlene! how entertaining your website. let me check your other links at another time. i got the email from christine...mae saw your homepage. will i be able to make my own homepage too? congratulations.....

debb - 06/19/99 18:44:47
My URL:http://debb.home.texas.net
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site! I guess you are doing it on your own now! It has been a long time, don't loose touch. Deb

debb - 06/19/99 18:44:46
My URL:http://debb.home.texas.net
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site! I guess you are doing it on your own now! It has been a long time, don't loose touch. Deb

Scott - 06/15/99 20:44:27
My Email:[email protected]

Hello. I work with your dear sister, Aimee. She is in the office right next to mine, and she told me I HAD to visit your website upon punishment of death. Anyway, KUDOS! Nice job, it's very jazzy. Where are the photos of your fam? Come see us at BAM sometime!

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 08:51:00

Bonjour. I votre homepage est int�ressant. Combien de temps avez-vous �t� sur l'Internet? Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois aller vague d�ferlante plus de pages de Web. Bon e Chance!

Arlene - 03/01/99 21:22:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/2286/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

FOLKS, I DID A LITTLE REVISION WITH MY GUESTBOOK AND ACCIDENTALLY ERASED THE POSTINGS BEFORE. You are welcome to write again. Look out for future updates and Zany adventures I encounter. Best, Arlene (DaxNY)

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