Xenaversity of Minnesota - The cool Minnesota staff from the Hosftra Univ Star Trerk/Xena/X-Files convention

Abba Girl - a cool Xena chick from Detroit, Michigan

Spat Cave

They are the coolest volunteers that you'll see on any conventions. I see Aliens.

B Monster - I love sci-fi, horror, fantasy and of course, B-movies. Check out this site and see if you know some of the characters.

� �

Roller Blades

I usually blade in my neigborhood, Park Slope, in Prospect Park. Its a mini-version of Central Park but with more "elbow room" to blade. Watch out I'm a fast skater down hills!


Karaoke is one of the things I do on my free time on the weekends when I can. I usually go there with a bunch of friends to Timboo's in Park Slope, Brooklyn (11th Street & 5th Avenue). Hey, I can alway dream I'm Annie Lennox. However, people do say I have a good singing voice. Well, if you want to hear me sing come on down!

Jedi Net

Star Wars is one of my favorite sci-fi films ever !!! I wish they would make a Universal Studios ride for that film. If they held a convention, I'm there. I'll probably dress as Hans Solo or the bounty hunter Boba Fet.

Toon Zone

I became a "trekkie" fan about 5 years ago. I was started by watching Star Trek: Next Generation. Don't you think that Patrick Stewart is an amazing actor? I had the chance to see him in Shakespeare in the Park's presentation of "The Tempest" . This was Mr. Stewart at his best. My favorite trek film is Star Trek: First Contact (I even have the VHS movie tape).

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