The Pink
Julia doesn't take to keenly to Peter's dog!
She's the pink of perfection
From her prissy pink nose
From her custard complexion
And eleven pink toes

With a chin like a prune
She's a dainty baboon
And she thinks
She's the pink of perfection!

She's the pink of perfection
Made from skim milk and rice
She's a witch's confection
Makes your skin turn to ice!

Like a stale charlatreuse
With the charm of a moose
And she thinks
She's the pink of perfection

Never walked e'er a creeture With features so fair
Like a Lillian Russell
Without any hair!

She's a princess presiding
In diaphanous gown
With a face and a figure
That's the envy of clowns

She's a knock-kneed Gazelle
With a voice like a bell
And she thinks
She's the pink of perfection!
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