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nathan david forest cole Name : Nate Cole
Full name : Nathan David Forest Cole
birth place : Houston, TX
birth date : May 19, 1981
eyes : Blue
height : 5'10"
weight: 150
siblings : Brother: Travis (15), Sister: Laine (17)
high school : Capital Christian - Sacramento, CA
hobbies : Basketball, Shopping, Movies, Golf, Anything Musical, Playstation, Talk on the phone, Swimming, wakeboarding

His Favorites

color : Blue
Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11
food : Pepperoni Pizza
sport : Basketball
team : Sacramento Kings
tv show : TRL on MTV
board game: Chutes and Ladders
Soda: Pepsi
movie : Dumb & Dumber
music : Pop, R&B, Gospel, Alternative & Rock, Hip Hop
artist : Christina Aguilera - favorite artist changes a lot!! Can''t pick just one.
influential artists : Katina's, Brian McNight, Jonathan Pierce, My Grandpa - Ira Stanphill, Steven Curtis Chapman
cookie: Peanut Butter
donut: Maple Bar
restaurant: Chili's
fast food: Taco Bell, McDonalds
comfort/pig out food: Chicken fettuccini alfredo/beef jerky
Place: Paris or Hawaii
hang out: 3rd Street Promenade - Santa Monica
Cartoon: Duck Tales or The Chipmunks
actor: Will Smith
actress: Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts
cartoon: Duck Tales
animal: Dogs, Monkeys
wheels: Hummer
movie line: "Harry, I took care of it." - Dumb and Dumber

Fun Facts !!


People would be shocked to know that...
I've never had a real job.

The guys mock me when...
I talk too loud

The song I sing in the shower is...

Brian McKnight, "Back at One."

The word I overuse is...
Dude, Like, Freak.

The funniest thing I did as a child was...
When I was learning about private parts I asked the pastor of my church if he had a "male organ."

My best friend would say that..

The thing that scares me the most about fame is...

people trying to figure out if I have a girlfriend, (my life is now public).

The most starstruck I've been is when I met...
Boyz II Men.

People tell me I look like...
Jonathan Taylor Thomas, (JTT).

I'd rather give up than be stuck on Survivor Island with...
my ex-girlfriend.

A wise man once said...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." - Prov. 3:5-6

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