click here to go to plus ONE official site !! all about nathan "plus ONE" WALTERS...

nathan lee walters name : Nathan Walters
full name: Nathan Lee Walters
birth date: March 24, 1978
birth place : Atlanta, GA
eyes : Hazel (greenish-brown)
height : 5'11"
weight : 180
siblings : Brother: Ivan (19) Sisters: Lauren (10), Kathryn (8), Kiersten (5), Jacquelyn (3) 
high school : Home Schooled
hobbies : Water skiing, writing, Internet (always on AOL!), Talking on the phone, Working out

His Favorites

color: Blue, sometimes Forest Green
Bible Verse: The book of James, especially chapter 3
food: Italian food and anything chocolate
sport: Soccer & Baseball
team: Atlanta Braves
tv show: I don't watch much TV
movie: Dumb & Dumber
Board Game: Taboo and Scattergories
Soda: Squirt
music: I try to influence myself with every kind of music
cookie: Chocolate chip (did I say I love chocolate?)
donut: Blueberry Glazed
restaurant: The Cooker
comfort/pig out food: Brownies
Cartoon: Duck Tales
fast food: Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King
Place: Italy (I've never been there but it seems like a nice place)
Wheels: BMW or Mercedes
hang out: Malls, 3rd street in Santa Monica
movie line: "You'll have to excuse my friend, he's a little slow. The town's that way." - Dumb and Dumber

Fun Facts !!


People would be shocked to know that...
I used to be a DJ on the radio.

The guys mock me when...

I mess up my words.

The song I sing in the shower is...

the ones I write.

The word I overuse is...

"Ya know?"

The funniest thing I did as a child was..
no response.

My best friend would say that...

I have a "one track mind."

The thing that scares me the most about fame is...

no response.

The most starstruck I've been is when I met...

Michael W. Smith.

People tell me I look like...

Ricky Martin, Donny Osmond.

I'd rather give up than be stuck on Survivor Island with...


A wise man once said...

No one looks out better for yourself than you.

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