So by now maybe you know abortion is wrong.  Maybe you think it is right.  But do you really know how it's done? 
WARNING.  The abortion process is graphic and might not be suitable for younger children.  If you are under 13 you should get your parent's permission.
Until the 12th week

D&C (Dilation and Curettage) -- A curett (a hook shaped knife) is inserted into the uterus and used to scrape the walls of the uterus, cutting the baby to bits in the process.  The head is then crushed and pulled through the birth canal.  Bleeding is often very heavy after a D&C.
Until the 24th week

Suction --  A vacuum 29 times more powerful than a household vaccum is inserted into the uterus and sucks the baby apart.  The arms, legs, torso and head are then sucked into a canister and disposed of.   **Most Common**
Late term

Prostaglandin -- A hormone is infected into the amniotic sack and starts contractions.  Some times the baby is born dead, but many times it is born alive and set aside to die.  *Note: this is now illegal due to the Born Alive Infant protection act.

Saline -- Salt is injected into the amniotic sac.  The baby swallows and inhales the salt, which burns his/her stomach and lungs.  At the same time the salt burns the baby's sensitive skin.  The baby is burned from the inside out and vice-versa.  The baby is delivered about 48 hours later, dead.  These babies are referred to as "candy apple" babies because their skin has been burnt off to reveal the deepest layers, which are a bright red.

Hysterotomy -- A C-section is performed and the baby is delivered alive, kicking and flailin just like a newborn, but is instead set aside to die from lack of food/care.  *Note: this is also now illegal due to the Born Alive Infant protection act.

D&X (Partial Birth Abortion) -- The baby is delivered feet first except for the head, which is left in the birth canal.  The abortionist then puntures the baby's head at the base of it's neck and uses suction to remove the brains.  The head then collapses and the baby is delivered the rest of the way.  *Note: Congress has repeatedly tried to end D&X but Clinton vetoed the bill both times it came to him.
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