I founded Generation 4 Hope under the psuedonym of Faith Veritas (no, it's not my real name) in December of 2001.  I first thought of it while working on a project for my CSP (Current Social Problems) class my junior year in high school.  I realized that there weren't really any organizations for pro-life teens, and decided to start one of my own.
How did this start?
What exactly do you stand for?
We are 100% unapologetically Pro-life Christians.  I would go so far as to say that I myself am Anti-Abortion and Anti-Choice in the matter.
We believe that the fathers of the unborn have the right to save their children from abortion.
We believe in fighting for the prevention of teen suicide. (Note: we are currently building a page on the subject, if you have any information we could use please email us. Everything will be kept confidential)
We believe in fighting child abuse, and in preventing it from starting.  No matter what stage of life they are in, children deserve our protection.
We believe in respecting all human life, regardless of age, creed, or occupation.  Yes, abortion should be stopped, and it should be opposed.  But more people do not have to die in the process.
Many people who could be our best friends, our teammates, our neighbors, our boyfriends/girlfriends have been brutally murdered in the name of a woman's choice.  We're here to keep this from happening to our children as well.
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