Salvation? What's that?
Do you realize that nothing you can do by yourself will ever get you into Heaven?  It's true.  But there's hope!  Jesus was God's only Son, sent to die for all the bad things we've ever done (John 3:16).  If you would like to read about the free gift of salvation in a way that you can understand keep reading because I'm still a teenager and I've tried to make it as simple as I can:
Everyone has done bad things
Sure, some people have done worse things than others but lets face it, we're pretty rotton.  We lie, cheat, steal (whether it's cars, candy or someone elses boyfriend/girlfriend) and are just downright mean to people.  Romans 3:23 tells us this: that we've all sinned and don't measure up to God's standard.
We deserve to be punished
You might not think anything you've done is worthy of the death penalty, but like it or not, it is.  Romans 6:23 says that the price of our sins is death.  Hows that for capital punishment?
But wait!
The same verse goes on to tell us that God's gift is eternal life!  Now how can He say the price for our actions is death but then turn around and say that He wants to give us eternal life?  Simple, someone else has paid the price for our sins. 
It's like when you were little and you were playing ball in the house even though your parents told you not to.  And what always happened? Something would get broken.  And just as Mom or Dad started to say they were going to ground you, your big/little brother/sister steps forward and says "It was my fault, I'm the one who was playing ball in the house, not them."  What?  that never happened to you?  Me neither, but you get my point.
Romans 5:8 tells us that God showed how much He loved us by dying for us while we were still sinning and not giving a care. Now you know, and I know, that neither me nor you would ever die for someone who didn't care about us in the least.  Jesus never did anything wrong but He chose to give up everything to come here to our greedy little planet and die so we could live forever!!!  That's a really awesome brother isn't it?
So what are you gonna do about it?
So, there's this awesome present sitting right in front of you.  Are you gonna sit back and look at it, or open it up and actually enjoy it?  God wants you to open it, and here's how He says to do it in Romans 10:9-10: He says if you believe that Jesus died and rose from the grave for your sins, and that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will have the eternal life He promises to His followers.
But that's not the end of it...
But of course not much would have been accomplished if Jesus had stayed dead! No, He rose from the grave three days after He died, conquering death and winning the war for us. He's now waiting for you to accept the fact that He loves you and died for you and wants you to live with Him forever in Heaven.  And even if you were the only person on earth, He would've done it anyway.
There's no way God can love me
You might be thinking God could never forgive you after everything you've done, but He's done it before and He'll do it again.  When you really truely apologize for what you've done He forgets you ever did it.  Just like that!
So how exactly does this work?
You might've heard people say "Repeat this prayer after me".  I'm not gonna say that.  I'll list the types of things you need to say and let you take it from there.

1. Realize that you are a sinner.
2. Realize you deserve death.
3. Realize that Jesus died and came back to life for
4. Sinscerely apologize for your sins.
5. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior, promise to do your best to obey Him.
6. Believe He will do what He says He will.
After everything is said and done...
Now you need to find a Church where people can help you and answer your questions.  You also need to get ahold of a Bible and just start reading it (I would suggest Mark, it's one of the shorter books and it's directed toward teens and young adults)  If you've never understood the Bible because it uses weird old English words (Thee, Thou etc) try the New International Version or The Message which put it into modern day English.
Let me know!
You might think it's crazy but I'd love to know if you accept Jesus as your Savior.  I promise I won't hound you or keep checking on you or anything like that.  However, if you have questions I will absolutely try to answer them!  If I don't know then I will find someone who does.  So if you have just become a Christian if you would email me, I would love to hear from you!
If anything I say confuses you, or if you have questions, please email me.
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