The following links belong to e-businesses that have helped me promote or build my website for FREE!  All they asked for in exchange was to have a link on my page and here they are:
SubmitFree: Submit to 25+ Search Engines for free !!!!
Get a Free E-mail Address
Lissa Explains it All
Search hippo is one of the many places you can have your site listed for free.  More traffic, and you have to do nothing but fill out a form.
Once again, all you do is fill out a form, but this time they send it to thirty different search engines, for free!
Same as above only this is 25 search engines.
Not only does Zapzone provide free email service, it also allows other people to have an email address at your website.
I would have gotten no where without the help I got from this site.  It has answered every question I've had about HTML and Javascript.
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