Just like we (the pro-life movement) have reasons abortion should be illegal, the pro-choice movement has reasons as well.  Below are some of the most common arguments, and the appropriate, pro-life, response...
1. Right to privacy... Every woman has the right to privacy, which includes to right to control her body.
   First of all, it's not really her body that is being violated.  It is not her body that is being ripped apart and inhumanely disposed of.  It is not her life that is ending.  It is the baby to which all of this is being done.  If the woman wanted to control
her body she could've done this by not having sex, what a concept.  And I personally have always wondered if this argument still stands if the baby is a girl.  Doesn't she have the right to privacy as well?
2. Quality of life... Every child deserves to be born wanted.

  No kidding.  And do you know how many couples are lined up accross the nation that want a baby of their own to love?  They would gladly take any one of the hundreds of thousands of babies that are aborted every year, to take care of as their own.  Instead, these precious children are "taken care of" via abortion.

  One of the leading theories with this argument was that if abortion were legalized there would be less children being abused by their parents. Instead, child abuse rates are up 500% since abortion was legalized in 1973 (not to mention that abortion is the ultimate form of child abuse).
3. Hardship cases... In the case of rape/incest, or if the mother's life is at risk, abortion should be legal.

   In the case of rape/incest, it is the rapist that needs to be punished, not the innocent child.  It is in no way, shape, or form the baby's fault.  This is as absurd as saying it is
your fault that some man in Kansas raped a woman from Wisconson.  It has been pointed out that the baby often reminds the mother of her attacker, and therefore causes mental duress and can be a factor in child abuse.  Still, this is not the child's fault and if this is the case, the child should be placed up for adoption.

  As for the mother's life being at risk, every time any woman has any baby her life is in danger.  Labor is not a walk in the park, it is extremely hard on her body.  However, and this may sound cruel, she has had her chance to live and the baby has not.  As a mother she should be willing to give up her life so her baby can live. 

  But what if she has other children?  If I found out my mother had an abortion to save her own life I'm not sure I could look her in the eye.  To know she would've killed me just so she could live would be too much to bear.  What I do know, however, is that the opposite is true in my own case: my mother nearly died when she lost my baby sister/brother.  The doctor told her the baby was dead/going to die and that if she did not have an abortion she could very likely die.  She refused on the small chance that the baby was still alive, and for that I am extremely proud of her.  And guess what?? She didn't die after all!
4. The baby is at risk... if the child is going to be deformed or be born with a disease such as Downs Syndrome, abortion should be available/encouraged.

   This makes me sickest of all.  Just because the baby is not like the rest of us does not sentence him/her to die!  I wear glasses, my sister has asthma, my father has a heart defect, should we be sentenced to die?  Then where do you draw the line?  Especially in the case of children with Downs Syndrome these children have the capability to live happy lives, if not relatively short ones.  But how would you rather die?  At home in your bed (or in a hospital), surrounded by those you love, after having an opportunity at life, or before you are born being torn apart and sucked into a jar, never to be formally remembered?
    Usually parents choose to abort these children, not out of sympathy, but out of greed.  They do not want to pay the hospital bills, or waste their time on a child who going to die anyway.  Well this may come as a shock to you, but we are all going to die, so if this philosophy is true then we are
all wasting our money!
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