The pro-choice movement insists on being just that: pro-choice.  And yet it seems at times that they are only pro-choice if you are choosing what they want you to choose.  If they were truely pro-choice and respected the decisions we made as individuals, wouldn't they respect the decisions of pro-lifers?  If they are truely for choice wouldn't they encourage the education of young women seeking abortion, instead of a one-sided, biased opinion?  And yet they don't. 

Below are a list of people who are deeply affected by the choice to abort, but who don't have one bit of say in the matter.
The baby -- Lets go ahead and get the most controversial out of the way.  No one protests that, if left to grow in the mother's body, the "fetus" will one day be born, grow up and become an adult.  So it is a baby.  Ending the baby's life is ending life, period.  I don't know about you, but if someone wanted to kill me, I would definitely want a say in the matter!  The constitution guarantees all United States citizens the right to a fair trial.  Clearly it is abortion, and not the lack thereof, that is unconstitutional.
The father -- No, it's not his body, but biologically and medically speaking, it's not the mother's body either so that arguement is thrown out the window.  In a divorce case if the mother does not want the child and the father is willing and able to care for the child, he is given custody.  Not so in abortion.  The mother doesn't want the child?  Kill it.  The father wants it, too bad, he should've been a woman. How logical is that?
The grandparents -- In most states in America a girl under the age of 18 must have her mother/father with her to grant permission to have her ears pierced, but, if this same girl wants to have a baby killed and sucked out of her, who cares what her parents think?  The reason parental permission is required for body piercings is so that if complications arise, the person doing the procedure cannot be sued.  So how do abortionists get away with not being prosecuted?  They hide the evidence by simply refusing to give up the abortion records, claiming to being protecting the woman's privacy.  This is also known as obstruction of justice.
The mother -- Beleive it or not, most women who have abortion do not understand the procedure.  Whenever any medical procedure is performed it is a law that the doctor must inform the patient of anything that could possibly go wrong.  (Even that death is possible when they extract your wisdom teeth.)  Except in the case of abortion, of course.  Death is much more likely to occur when having an abortion, than when removing a tooth, and everyone (everyone who has been allowed to hear the truth anyway) knows it.
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