The newest Irish Ridge Descendants

The Newest Irish Ridge Descendants©

Newest Descendants of Tompkins and Elizabeth McGrath Green

Being an overly cautious person when it comes to the privacy of others, I have included only the first and middle names of these, the newest descendants of Irish Ridge. They are placed here that friends and relatives might be able to see their new cousins. If you wish more information on these new cousins or want to send them a card, you must email me your identity and I will then put you in contact with their parents. Thank you for being understanding.

These images may NOT be used in any COMMERCIAL manner.

Macayla Marie
Macayla Marie, September 28, 1998, 2:22 p.m., weighing in at 7 lbs 15 oz, 21 inches long, with dark hair, long fingers/toes.

If you would like your newest descendant of "TOMPKINS and ELIZABETH" posted here, email me for details.



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