Josef and Marie Doskocil marker

Plum Creek Logo

St. Adalbert Cemetery, Niles, IL
Section St Adalbert - 1 - F

Josef and Marie Tunkl/Podasky Doskocil
1891 Immigrants to US from Bohemia

This page has several small photos of the Doskocil family marker [a soft gray stone, about 7 feet tall, that has erroded over the years] located in the above cemetery. At present there are no "known" photos of Josef or Marie. So if you are not especially interested in this content please use
BACK to Doskocil family story.

If you wish to read the family history of Josef and Marie Tunkl/Podasky as it includes some of the conditions that led to their coming to the US, please use the following link:

The history of Marie and Josef Doskocil

Oval is place for missing photo of Josef

Same lot also includes their son, Alois [Louis] Doskocil

From Bohemia, the history of Marie and Josef Doskocil

John Doskocil family story

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