Irish Ridge Leaves 2000 ©
John Wm. Greene

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Indian Summer 2000

It is Indian Summer 2000 on Irish Ridge, Crawford County, WI. A beautiful time of year after several hard freeze nights. The sun is hot and the sky is a deep blue. The sounds of Fall surround us and the music of life is loud but gentle like the breeze today. Things will change soon, the wind will be more insistent, temperatures will drop and a sweater will feel great. But for today, a T shirt is enough and shorts are comfortable. While taking the photos the squirrels were scolding or maybe just trying to get our attention that we should be preparing for the long winter instead of taking pictures and just wandering the hills. The following leaf pictures are typical of this area, sumac, elm, oak and maple. The hickory leaves were large for this photo and are in the background. I hope you enjoy them.

Maple, Simple beauty
Maple with greeting
Spot of larger scene, Full scene 502KB

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