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One Moment in Time©

John W. Greene

Today has become my world. I enjoyed the 1950s! All of the changes of my years are but a background to my greased 'duckass hair-do'. 'Rockin-A' was the password to being part of the group. A wonderful time to be a teenager, I would not change it for the whole world of now. These were times of Edie Fisher singing "Tell Me Why", Elvis rocking and Johnny Ray moaning "Cry", "Wheel of Fortune" meant Kay Starr instead of Vanna. Songs like "Tell me Why" or "Cry" or listening to big bands playing the "Stardust" kind of music filled the air.

Muscoda, where I was raised, didn't have a radio station but nearby Richland Center had a brand new one, WRCO. It was great, deep sound, with "request time" to see who liked whom. It came in even on warm cloudy days unlike some of the more distant ones that were super, but chiefly during the clear cool nights when they could boost their power. Somehow the nostalgia of that WRCO seems more important than the remote controlled color TV in my living room.

The weekends had a special meaning and significance. On the weekend my neighbor and friend, Duane Buchwald, because his father owned a car dealership in Muscoda, Duane had use of brand new demonstrator vehicles, Desoto, Dodge, Plymouth and once in a while a Chrysler. When you are in high school and have a weekend date with the use of a brand new car that had the best radio of the time, well, life was good! Those radios would bring in those Chicago stations carrying the big bands direct from the dance halls called, Aragon, Trianon and Blachhawk. A true pleasure, parking and watching the moon slowly cross the night sky like there was no tomorrow. But eventually the moon dropped over the horizon and it was time to get the gals home and return that great vehicle. This was enhanced with the pleasure of a couple of gals, usually from the nearby towns of Blue River, Richland Center, Highland, Avoca, Spring Green, and especially a pair of sisters from Homer who shall go nameless here other than to say they were beautiful and time moved all too fast when we were with them. Another set of sisters were from Boscobel and these gals were lively and a lot of fun whether it was a movie or stock car racing or roller skating or just "goofing around". Those new cars were a plus of course and always returned fully washed and shined from any accumulating road dust from the then common gravel roads. Oh yes, those 1950s were good days.

Somewhere along the way I became too involved in "tomorrow" and all the pitfalls that the dream of tomorrow brings. Trying to make decisions about tomorrow seemed to be the thing to do. It becomes a habit, a "Jones" so to speak. Upon looking back I wonder why I minimized yesterday and lost today. Tomorrow was the day! Making tomorrow decisions that one can't change now became the thing to do. Yesterday is to be remembered with a flair of pride and one must savor the moments of times past. Remember yesterday, but let it go. Yesterday made us what we are today and that should be sufficient task for any time period.

Some planning is great and having foresight is important. Just don't get too involved that "tomorrow" is the day we will be gloriously happy and satisfied. We can't change our tomorrows anyway so might as well enjoy the moment. Be a 'trooper' so to speak! I Live for now. It is a lot easier! Only this way will I not have to worry about how my last day was spent, thinking partly about 'that was not really what I wanted to do my last day'. So chill out cousins. What will be, will be, enjoy the hell out of it, whatever 'it' is.

This idea of doing one moment in time is more profound than it seems at first, think about it, we can only control or enjoy right now, an hour ago is gone, tomorrow is but a dream. Plan for tomorrow but live for today, enjoy this moment in time, it will not come again!

A maple leaf caught in "One Moment in Time"©

Maple leaf caught in time

Origional photo by John W. Greene
Feel free to use in a tasteful NON comercial manner!


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