
Neil D's. Curls

This writer, Neil Duncan Greene, hopes that the following episode of his rather ordinary life may provide someone a chance to recall a portion of the past. Since few have chosen to record the goings-on of his life or the nature of his character, it behooves himself to write of himself and his times. There is no intent of achievements, good, bad, or indifferent; there is no intent of serious criticism of the past nor of its people; there is only a sometime urge to pass on to others some experiences which may prove interesting reading. I always had a likeness for the word "Genesis", so let's say my genesis came in 1905 on a farm in the hills of southwest Wisconsin.

On August 30, 1905, in the Town of Scott, Crawford County, Wisconsin, there was born to William (familiarly known as Bill) and Ella (familiarly known as Elly) Green, a son to be later named Neil Duncan Greene. In attendance were Dr. ___?___ and Midwife Ella McDougal, a neighbor woman well versed in the Midwife Arts. He was not particularly welcomed when it first became known that he was expected to arrive nor when he made his earthly debut. You see, Elly, already had Gladys and Agnes, Lyle and Ray, Esther and Wilda, and then came Neil. He was a puny child , even sickly at times and it has been reported, locally that is, that he bawled a great deal. His condition was diagnosed as a chronic case of colic and the parents were advised that he would outgrow it. As the colic declined, our young arrival at the Bill Green place on "Harmony Hill" on the lower extremity of Irish Ridge, began a wonderful transformation. With the subsiding colic came a fleshing up, a glow to his cheeks, and the growth of curly hair that it was kept in curls that waved from side to side as our later little six year-old tripped lightly about the lawn and meadow. In the 1970s his locks would have been the envy of every mod. Bill Green was a man of some means. It was therefore deemed both profitable and wise to extend compliments upon the beauty of the curls and the cuteness of this boy, Neil.

Dad, Neil D. Greene, stopped writing at this point for one reason or another, perhaps it was time for a baseball game on the radio, perhaps someone at the door, whatever the reason, he never continued... but mom tucked it away in a scrapbook with the rest of his "scribblings". There it remained until the pages turned yellow, he died in 1976, but the essence of what was important to him remains. I will from time to time share his scribblings on my "Home Pages". Other subjects include: "Harmony Hill Cheese Factory Feud", "Something, But Not All, About Privies", "Hoover Hollow School", and various other HISTORICALLY ACCURATE writings. "Irish Ridge Thrashing Time" has descriptive memories from the "pre-blower machine", the mealtime and the social interactions from the youngest to the "old timers".

Neil's Curls
This is a picture of that six year old, Neil D. Greene, just before his curls were cut off so that he would be ready for Hoover Hollow School.

Hope you enjoyed! John William Greene


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