

Geo Relationships
Relationship Guide
Common Ancestor Daughter Son Grandson Great Grandson 2G Grandson 3G Grandson 4G Grandson 5G Grandson 6G Grandson
Daughter Son Brother Sister Nephew Niece Grand Nephew G Grand Nephew 2G Grand Nephew 3G Grand Nephew 4G Grand Nephew 5G Grand Nephew
Grand son Nephew Niece FIRST COUSIN 1st Cousin 1 Rem 1st Cousin 2 Rem 1st Cousin 3 Rem 1st Cousin 4 Rem 1st Cousin 5 Rem 1st Cousin 6 Rem
Great Grandson Grand Nephew 1 Cousin 1-Rem SECOND COUSIN 2 Cousin 1-Rem 2 Cousin 2-Rem 2 Cousin 3-Rem 2 Cousin 4-Rem 2 Cousin 5-Rem
2G Grandson G Grand Nephew 1 cousin 2-Rem 2 Cousin 1-Rem THIRD COUSIN 3 Cousin 1-Rem 3 Cousin 2-Rem 3 Cousin 3-Rem 3 Cousin 4-Rem
3G Grandson 2G grand Nephew 1 Cousin 3-Rem 2 Cousin 2-Rem 3 Cousin 1-Rem FOURTH COUSIN 4 Cousin 1-Rem 4 Cousin 2-Rem 4 Cousin 3-Rem
4G Grandson 3G grand Nephew 1 Cousin 4-Rem 2 Cousin 3-Rem 3 Cousin 2-Rem 4 Cousin 1-Rem FIFTH COUSIN 5 Cousin 1-Rem 5 Cousin 2-Rem
5G Grandson 4G grand Nephew 1 Cousin 5-Rem 2 Cousin 4-Rem 3 Cousin 3-Rem 4 Cousin 2-Rem 5 Cousin 1-Rem SIXTH COUSIN 6 Cousin 1-Rem
6G Grandson 5G grand Nephew 1 Cousin 6-Rem 2 Cousin 5-Rem 3 Cousin 4-Rem 4 Cousin 3-Rem 5 Cousin 2-Rem 6 Cousin 1-Rem SEVENTH COUSIN

  1. Find the "CLOSEST in COMMON" ancestor, say Grampa Jones. He goes in the box called "Common Ancestor".
  2. Find "your" relationship with him, going "across the top of the chart". You are in "Grandson" box.
  3. Now, find the other person's box going "down" the "left side" of chart, let's say she goes in Great Grandaughter box.
  4. Now go down the line from your Grandson box; to the line that extends from her place till they intersect.
  5. You should be in the "1st Cousin 1-Rem" box. That is how you are related, "First Cousins once removed!"
Let's try it again!
  1. The Jones you just found is your Great Great Great Grandpa, He is your "CLOSEST in COMMON" ancestor" with John.
  2. Go right ACROSS till you find your "3G grandson" spot.
  3. John emails you and says, "That Jones guy is my Great Great Great Grandpa too.
  4. So, for John, go DOWN from "common ancestor" till you get to his "3G grandson" spot.
  5. Where these "2 lines" INTERSECT is your relationship with each other, you are "true Fourth Cousins"
See, it only looked hard!

  1. For the purposes of this chart, son & daughter or nephew & niece are interchangable. [it's the placement that counts]
  2. This chart may be extended down or right for your purposes.
  3. G is "Great", 2G is "Great Great", etc.
  4. Rem is "Removed by generations"; In other words, 1st Cousin 1-Rem, means you would be 1st Cousins if you were in the same generation, but you are a generation apart.
I hope you have found this chart helpful



Counter reset on Wednesday, November 18, 1998.

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