
Irish Ridge Area Pictures
Pictures of Irish Ridge Area


This page "will" include several tintypes and early 1900 photos including a "picnic with 32 people" and takes a short while to load. Some need identification, so if you know them, kindly email me what information you have.

Brothers Greene by the windmill, Lyle on left, Neil on right.

Gays Mills, WI parade to promote war bonds, 1942.

Surnames of paraders are Greene, Phillips and Bell.

Hoover Hollow School

Hoover School got their water from Phelp's Spring, this picnic site.

Picnic at Phelp's Spring, July 4

Each 4th of July, all activities would come to a stop as the Irish Ridge Area residents would gather at the "Phelps Spring that was the water supply for the school and have a celebration picnic. A time of family and friends.

Left to right: Esther Greene, Alma Greene, _____,Emma Eyers (Mrs. Henry), baby buggy, Rene Greene, Doris?, Irene Y.?. (rt. of buggy): Camille Ferrel Marshall, Howard Ferrel, (sitting sailor suit) Leslie Greenfield, (behind Howard): Rebecca Greene Calloway, (man behind Reb.) is Joe Yanna, (front of Joe Y.) is Ella Green(Mrs.WM.), Neil greene, (sitting) is Horatio Guernsey, (rt. of Ella) is Bill (WM) Green and Lee Ferrel. Wilda Greene is in front of Bill Green, (rt. of Wilda) is Mrs. Roy Greenfield, (in front) Frieda Greenfield & Jim Greene, (rt. of Mrs R. Greenfield) is Mertie Martin, (on her rt) is Ivy Ferrel Barthelomer, Merle Green Ferrel, (in front) is Bernis & Clyde Ferrel.(further rt) is ________, Lena Ferrel Guernsey, Della Yanna (Mrs. Joe), Asa Guernsey (sitting), Burl Greene, Leo Martin, Ray Greene & Lintner Greene.

Picrure and Names of Irish Ridge Ball Team of about 1885



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