
Doskocil family emigration information
"Doskocil" Emigration information�

Apple Blossoms

 LDS film #0475682 BD 75

Doskocil, Josef
age 37
family members = yes
Place of residence = Bukova
State of residence = B�hmen
Profession = Arbeiter
Destination, direct = NY
Passenger # = 01.0303
Passage # = A1891.0139
Accomodations = Zwischendeck
Date of departure = 08.05.91
Ship destination  = NY
Ship name = F�rst Bismarck
Ship type = Dampfschiff
Ship Captain = Albers
Shipping company = Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft
Agent = Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft
Ship country flag = Deutschland
Doskocil, Marie
Age 33
Passenger # 01.0304
Doskocil, Alois
Age 9 months
Passenger # 01.0309
Doskocil, Marie
Age 9
Passenger # 01.0305
Doskocil, Jan
Age 6 
Passenger # 01.0306
Doskocil, Josef
Age 3
Passenger #  01.0307
Doskocil, Franz
Age 2
Passenger # 01.0308
[note: all above information re ship etc. is the 
same for entire Doskocil family]

Furst Bismarck
 The "Furst Bismarck" was buit by A.G.Vulcan, Stettin for the Hamburg America Line and was laid
 down as the "Venetia" but launched as the "Furst Bismarck". She was a 8,430 gross ton ship, length
 502.6ft x beam 57.6ft, three funnels, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 19 knots. There was
 accommodation for 420-1st, 172-2nd and 700-3rd class passengers. Launched on 29/11/1890, she
 left Hamburg on her maiden voyage to Southampton and New York on 8/5/1891. On 27/3/1894
 she commenced her first voyage from Genoa to Naples and New York and continued this service
 during the winter months until commencing her last Naples - New York voyage on 26/1/1902. She
 started her last Hamburg - Southampton - New York voyage on 5/11/1903. She was sold to Russia
 in 1904, converted to an auxiliary cruiser and renamed "Don". In 1906 she went to the Russian
 Volunteer Fleet, was renamed "Moskva" and from 13/5/1907 she ran between Libau, Rotterdam
 and New York. She made 4 round voyages, and in 1913 was sold to the Austrian Navy who
 renamed her "Gaea" and used her as a depot ship. Seized by Italy at the end of the Great War, she
 was rebuilt and renamed "San Giusto" for the Cosulich Line. In 1921 she made one round voyage
 from Trieste to Naples and New York and was scrapped in Italy in 1924.If you should order photos
 of this vessel, be sure to specify the date as there was a later "Furst Bismarck" belonging to Hamburg
 America Line, built in 1905.
 Citation: [Posted to The ShipsList by Ted Finch - 29 October 1997}

Fürst Bismark

F�rst Bismarck

Location of Bukova:
Source: Thanks to Great Grand Daughter 
of Josef and Marie, Bev Aylor of VA!

See Horni Cerekev,  to the upper left, just a tad, you'll see N Bukova.  
Comments from 'researcher, "When a client does not know from 
where in Bohemia came his ancestors to USA it is ever a problem. 
For  his reason was very helpful the information from obituaries, that 
Josef Doskocil and his wife Marie Doskocilova were born in 
"Ceska Bukova, in the district of Tabor". The village Ceska Bukova/ 
in English  Czech Bukova, does not exist in Bohemia, but I was almost 
sure, that "our" village is Bukova in the area of the parish office in 
Mlada Vozice, cca 15 km north east from Tabor. But in this village I 
did not have success. Also I did not have success in the villages: 
-Dolni Bukovsko, in the area of the parrish office Dolni Bukovsko, 
cca 25 km to south  from Tabor -Horni Bukovsko, the neighbour village 
of Dolni Bukovsko-Bukova, in the area of the parish office Olesnice,
cca 50 km to south from Tabor. In the end I had success in the village 
Nova Bukova, in English "new Buokova", in the area of the parish office 
in Horni Cerekev,cca 50 km to east from Tabor."

Bukova map

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