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Welcome to Delta Discography - Almost Here, section.

Almost Here is Delta Goodrems first duet with ex Westlife member Brian McFadden. The track is the only song from Mistaken Identity that Delta didn't write. However, Delta fell in love with the McFadden penned track.

While Almost Here was the 2nd single from her album in the UK. It will be her 3rd single from Mistaken Identity in Australia.

Already a top 3 hit in UK, boosting sales of both Delta's and Bryans album, the single gets a release on 21st March 2005 in Australia. This becomes Delta's 5th Top 10 hit in the UK.

Almost Here (Australian Single)
Released: 21st March 2005
Highest Chart Position: -
Certification: -

1. Almost Here (Duet with Brian McFadden)
2. Hollow No More (Duet with Brian McFadden)
3. Turn You Away
4. Almost Here (Music Video)
Almost Here (CD Pro)
Released: 12th February 2005 to Radio Stations

1. Almost Here
Almost Here (UK CD 1)
Released: 31st January 2005
Highest Chart Position: 3

1. Almost Here (Duet with Brian McFadden)
2. Hollow No More (Duet with Brian McFadden)

Almost Here (UK CD 2)
Released: 31st January 2005
Highest Chart Position: 3

1. Almost Here (Duet with Brian McFadden)
2. Real To Me (Brian McFadden Live)
3. Irish SOn (Brian McFadden Live)
4. Almost Here (Music Video)


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