Exit among Christian Missionaries from Singapore


Data Collection Plan


Dennis D. Davis



Brierley (1997, p. 89) reports over 80% of overseas Christian missionaries from Singapore who exit do so prematurely. He writes further, “The reasons that missionaries leave vary according to the source of information!” This study has face value from prior research on the topic and researcher comments that additional research is warranted (Lewis, 2000; Moon, 1998; Taylor, 2000).  

Most missionary research uses agency leaders and agency documents to proxy for primary source data. Researchers seldom use missionaries directly for source data. Though the “real reasons” (Taylor, 1997b, p.11) people exit may be unknowable, use of qualitative research methods can bring clearer understanding to what is currently known. Quantitative data are easier to acquire and analyze from archival sources and agency gatekeeper analysis than contacting the principle parties themselves. A review of available research reveals most Singaporean missionary exit is attributed by their respective sending agencies to internal locus causes in the missionaries.

This pilot study is proposed to test the hypothesis that missionaries from Singapore who exit prematurely are more likely to attribute the exit to external factors than internal factors. To do this, missionaries themselves need to be surveyed. Interviewing a sample of them will add valuable qualitative depth to existing research understanding.


Missionaries from Singapore who exit prematurely are more likely to attribute the exit to external factors than internal factors.

Due to subjects being dispersed a Web page containing the pilot study forms and questions is available for their use at

Questionnaire Data Collection

Independent variable

The independent variable is missionaries from Singapore who exit missionary fieldwork prematurely.

Measure. To measure this variable subjects will be identified by their agreement to participate through their completion of a Contact Information form (Appendix A). Qualifying individuals were field missionaries from Singapore sent out by a Singaporean organization, but who exited that work. Exit is defined as no longer being listed as a missionary by the respective sending agency.

How data will be collected. A mission director from Singapore will identify individuals from archival records who qualify for this study. Subjects will be asked to volunteer into the study by the director in respective initial telephone contacts.

From whom data will be collected. Subjects will be selected by a Singapore mission’s director from a pool of known Singaporeans who are listed as no longer missionaries by their sending organizations. The pool will be limited to not less than five and not more than ten subjects.

Dependent Variable

The dependant variable is the likelihood of missionaries to attribute locus for their exit to external factors.

Measure. To measure this variable the Attrition Tracking Guidelines (Appendix B), adapted from Elkins and Lewis (1997) will be used. Responses are an open selection of attributing causes to exit followed by a percentage weighting of the attributed causal selection(s).

How data will be collected. Data will be collected through a combination of personal visit, telephone, email, World Wide Web, or facsimile communications. Individual will be asked to determine which means they prefer. Specifically, subjects will be asked by which means they prefer to receive a copy of the survey instrument, and how they wish to return the completed data instrument. Each subject who agrees to participate will receive a copy of the instrument via the method they select. They will be asked to return the survey within one day. Subjects from whom data is not received within two days will be recontacted to request they submit the completed survey instrument within one day. No further requests for data collection will be attempted.

From whom data will be collected. A mission’s director from Singapore will select sample subjects with archival access to a population of known Singaporeans who are listed as no longer missionaries by their sending organizations. The population sample will be limited to not less than five and not more than ten subjects.

Confounding Variables

The confounding variables are possible demographic, psychographic, or national variables that might affect the hypothesized relationship. As well a possible selection bias exists through the means of subject selection, but this is considered a minimal problem since a follow on study will use the same methodology to identify potential population subjects.

Measure. Fifteen short-answer study validation (Appendix C) questions to capture potential study confounding variables. These include metrics for age; education; ethnicity; gender; marital status; dependants; tenure; geographic locality; position status; shame; and filial piety, security, acceptance, and religion.

How data will be collected. Data will be collected at the same time and in conjunction with the Attrition Tracking Guidelines questionnaire, using the collection same methodology.

From whom data will be collected. Data will be collected from the same subjects completing the Attrition Tracking Guidelines questionnaire.

Interview Data Collection

Dependent Variable

The dependant variable is the likelihood of missionaries to attribute locus for their exit to external factors.

Measure. Six interview questions (Appendix D), adapted from Attribution Theory (Chadwick, 2000) to determine the causal locus of exit.

1.       Did you to perform the work of a missionary?

2.       Did you become a missionary on a whim, just because you felt like doing it?

3.       Were you capable of doing the work necessary to be a missionary?

4.       Did you work as a missionary because you felt you had to or should do it?

5.       Did you fit in with a group of people important to the work?

6.       Why did you stop working as a missionary?


How data will be collected. Data will be collected through personal interaction with each subject. Preference will be given to telephone conversations, but where that is prohibited by cost other electronic means via closed circuit or Internet technologies will be used, with priority being given to IRC or email due to their interactive modalities.

From whom data will be collected. As this is a pilot study, data will be requested from each subject completing the Attrition Tracking Guidelines questionnaire.


Brierley, P. (1997). Missionary attrition: The ReMAP research report. In W. D. Taylor (Ed.), Too valuable to lose: Exploring the causes and cures of missionary attrition. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.

Chadwick, S. A. (Novermber 16, 2000). Attribution theory. Ames: IA: Iowa State University. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Lewis, J. (2000, December). Missionary attrition. Available E-mail.

Moon, S. S. C. (1998). Going further with the research. Training, 98(2) 4-5. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:

Taylor, W. D. (1997b). Introduction: Examining the iceberg called attrition. In W. D. Taylor (Ed.), Too valuable to lose: Exploring the causes and cures of missionary attrition. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.

Taylor, W. D. (2000, December). Attrition tools. Available E-mail.

Appendix A

Contact Information

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your participation will help improve the condition of future Christian missions. Information you provide will be kept confidential. Your participation is voluntary. We do need to interview some individuals to better understand the responses. A summary of the results of this research is available to those who participate if they request it. Please write your name and contact information only here on this page.


Name:                                                                                                        ________________________________________________

Signature                                                          _____________________________     Date:  ______________

Telephone:                                                                                                  ________________________________________________

Address:                                                                                                     ________________________________________________


Email:                                                                                                         ________________________________________________

Send me a summary of the research results YES: o   NO: o  __________

Appendix B

Attrition Tracking Guidelines

Adapted from Elkins and Lewis 1997

Perhaps the most important function of this guide is that it will help missionaries and mission administrators keep in mind the factors they depend on to select, prepare, and support missionaries on the field. The Tracking Guide will promote a constant review of these factors in the overall process of sending and maintaining the missionary task force. This could contribute significantly to alerting missions and missionaries of problem areas and allow time to compensate for them.

The information gathered is useful for planning purposes. Administrative decisions are only as good as available understood information. Analysis of the data will suggest specific courses of action aimed at preventing unnecessary attrition. Sharpening our aim in dealing with the root causes of attrition will help reduce the number of those coming back prematurely, and increase the overall effectiveness and stewardship of missions.

Firstly, check the reasons for departure that apply. Secondly, assign a percentage to each of those reasons in terms of how much it contributed to the decision to leave. The percentages should add to 100. Here is an example:

      ü         20  Weather. Change in weather pattern.

We want you to understand how important your voluntary participation is. If you have any questions please ask the facilitator.

Anticipated Reasons

____________    Normal retirement. Retirement following normal completion of missionary service or contract.

____________    Completion of contract. Completion of contract established for a specific task or time period.

Political or Catastrophic Reasons

____________    Political removal. Forced removal from country due to war, government persecution, epidemics, famine, civil unrest, withdrawal of visa, or denial of visa extension.

____________    Death in service. Death or unexplained disappearance of serving missionary.

Marriage / Family Reasons

____________    Children. Children unable to adjust to culture, schooling, health or behavioural problems.

____________    Elderly parents. Need to care for aging parents.

____________    Marriage / family conflicts. Marriage or family conflict, or death of spouse or child.

____________    Outside marriage. Marriage to someone outside the mission.

Society or Agency Reasons

____________    Home support. Inadequate financial, prayer, and other support from home country.

____________    Disagreement with sending agency. Disagreement with mission agency over policy, authority, etc.

____________    Theological reasons. Disagreement with the mission agency over charismatic issues, church practice, or doctrinal issues.

Personal Reasons

____________    Immature spiritual life. Problems related to spiritual life such as unmet spiritual needs, lack of spiritual maturity, etc.

____________    Health problems. Problems related to mental or physical health.

____________    Inadequate commitment. Lack of understanding of the cost of commitment involved in long-term missionary service.

____________    Personal concerns. Problems related to low self-esteem, dealing with stress, anger, unrealistic expectations, the need to marry, loneliness, etc.

__________    Lack of call. Lack of conviction regarding the genuine call to missionary work, or loss of it.

____________    Immoral lifestyle. Immoral behaviour, alcohol or drug abuse.

Team Reasons

____________    Problems with peer missionaries. Relationship problems with mission field leaders or fellow missionaries.

____________    Problems with local leaders. Relationship problems with local church leaders or other local colleagues.

Cultural Reasons

____________    Poor cultural adaptation. Unable to adapt to culture, customs, traditions, and living conditions of the country.

____________    Language difficulties. Unable to learn the ethnic or country language adequately.

Work-Related Reasons

____________    Dismissal by agency. Dismissal due to inability to carry out duties and responsibilities satisfactorily.

____________    Lack of job satisfaction. Inadequate, inappropriate, or authoritarian supervision of work by mission agency, including lack of pastoral care, team building, and other support.

____________    Inadequate training. Inadequate or inappropriate training and preparation for missionary work.

Other Reasons

____________    Other reasons. Other important reasons not mentioned (specify here):



Appendix C

Attribution Theory Interview Questions

Please provide the following data to help us more accurately represent valid results should potential data problems occur when analyzing the results of this study. We will separate these answers from your other data. In no case will anyone be allowed access to identify you from the responses. Your accurate answers might help prevent misinterpretation of the results.


Please give short answers. Use one word where possible.


How old are you


What is your education level


What is your race/ethnicity


Are you male or female


Are you married or single


Do you have children, and if so how old are they


Are you concerned about bonding a son for national service


How many years were you on the field


What country do you work in


Are you leaving because the sending organisation wants you to work in Singapore


Are you leaving due to filial piety


Are you leaving because your family wants you to be secure in Singapore


Does you family appreciate you being a missionary


Are your parents Christian


Do you feel shamed into leaving the field



Thank you for your help.


If you have any questions or comments please provide them here:

Appendix D

Study Validation

  1. Did you to perform the work of a missionary?
  2. Did you become a missionary on a whim, just because you felt like doing it?
  3. Were you capable of doing the work necessary to be a missionary?
  4. Did you work as a missionary because you felt you had to or should do it?
  5. Did you fit in with a group of people important to the work?
  6. Why did you stop working as a missionary?


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