She has got to be the cutest thang this side of Saturn! Let me introduce to you, the one and only, Nibbler Elf.
If you visit her
poetry site, be sure to sign her guest book and check out the groovy stuff there.
Before he became Emperor of the World, little Jonanthan Tiger was known as a popular internet icon. Starting with  his first website, Jonathan quickly became adept at media and political environments. With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and entertainment, this free spirit lets curiosity guide his every move. It's no wonder people everywhere flock to visit his Tiger's Den!  
Ariel now resides in the Pacific Northwest, where she is currently writing her third novel. Among the numerous short stories that she has written, you may find an archive of treasured drawings and artwork.
While studing for a career as a schoolteacher, Ariel is compelled to fufill her destiny as the forerunner of the next wave of young authors. Though she has turned down several publishing offers, she remains open to all serious proposals.
Mr. Dean is recording in Hollywood, CA with his band, Truman Lowe. Strumming his six-string, this minstrel will suprise you with lyrics targeting social issues and takes a "Knight of the old code" stance against modern oppression. Besides his sung words of valor, Dean likes to have fun by freestylin' at parties and filching your lady.
Good Friends of the D
Check out this guy! A veteran of the Seattle music scene, Chris Sheckler is becoming a favorite of Chris continues to captivate those in the music industry with rare and fresh sounds that may launch him to a number one very soon. With songs like, "Hey Hello" and "Lights" its not hard to see why. You can still download demo songs for free at his MP3 site.
Sometimes we just lose track of good friends. Lost but not forgotten! Throughout life we meet many people, but we ultimately realize who our true friends are. Through the hardest times and the best, buddies will always be there for you.
      This page is dedicated to you guys.
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