Fine now�

In all the confusion,
a few moments of time
I had lost myself,
but everything is fine.

The wounds are healed
from the thoughts just before
and somehow still feel
like something�s still torn.

The mirror keeps looking
at the things yet to be
time spent reflecting
and Expecting more out of me.

Some call it sanity
to not cross the line
out of humanity
but everything is fine.

I�ve been given a key
to the cage in the clouds
where desires roam free
and where I once found�

More than just me.
Fine now�

In all the confusion,
a few moments of time
I had lost myself,
but everything is fine.

The wounds are healed
from the thoughts just before
and somehow still feel
like something�s still torn.

The mirror keeps looking
at the things yet to be
time spent reflecting
and Expecting more out of me.

Some call it sanity
to not cross the line
out of humanity
but everything is fine.

I�ve been given a key
to the cage in the clouds
where desires roam free
and where I once found�

More than just me.
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