Name: Brad S. Reddick

Date of Birth: 1959
Place of Birth: Findlay, Ohio
Date of Death: August 20th, 2004
Residence at Death: Perrysburg, Ohio

Memorial Comment:

Brad was was of the most awesome guys that I have ever known. he was one of my confirmation teachers in 8th grade(2 years ago),was very, very involved in the church, and had one of the deepest passions for Jesus Christ that I have ever seen. He was without a doubt one of the strongest, most loving, and most faithful,if not the strongest, most loving, and most faithful Christians that I have ever met. He died of Lung Cancer this past summer of 2004. his is sooooooo loved.We all love and miss him very, very much, but are also very happy for him, because he is in a much better place now. He is noe living in the most awesome and best places ever, where his life really truly has just begun, and that is in heaven, the House of our Lord God, with his Father, our Father. He left behind his mother and father, his wife, Debbie, his 8 children(in order from oldest to youngest: Lisa, Steve, Tim, David, Phil, John, Jim, and Grace. He was preceeded in death by his o lder brother, who died when he was around 19. He had around 5 or 6 brothers and sisters. WE LOVE YOU MR. REDDICK!!!!!!!!!! WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN IN THE PRESENCE OF OUR FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We Love you and miss you,
but know that that you are in the place that you have always dreamed of,
dwelling in the presence of our Father God.
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