Name: Doris Marie Rekemeyer

Date of Birth: April 16, 1928
Place of Birth: Colorado
Date of Death: November 10, 2003
Residence at Death: Denver, Colorado

Memorial Comment:

God saw you getting tired when a cure was not to be
So He wrapped his arms around you and whispered "Come to Me"
You didn't deserve what you went through, so He gave you rest
God's garden must be beautiful, He only takes the best
And when I saw you sleeping, so peaceful and free from pain
I could not wish you back here to suffer that again

In loving memory of my mom, Doris. She bravely and courageously fought lung cancer for the last 7 months of her life. She went through chemo and radiation that ravaged her body, but never took her positive attitude and loving spirit. Up until the day her soul left this world, she never stopped thinking of others, and deeply loving her family. She leaves behind myself, my partner in life Patrick, 2 grandchildren, Justin and Jynna, whom she loved dearly and spoiled rotten, one unborn grandchild that she was so anxiously awaiting the arrival of, and many more family members and friends that loved her greatly. Too many to mention here, but they all know she loved them. She was surrounded by all of us and by so much love when God finally and mercifully called her home. She will be sadly missed, and fondly remembered always in our hearts and in our daily life. Our greatest comfort here on earth is knowing that she is happy now, and no longer in pain or suffering. And she is waiting with open arms to welcome us Home when it is our time. I love you very much Mom. Have fun playing cards and dancing with Elvis!!


To a woman who was like a second mother to me. May she forever rest in peace the pain and suffering over.
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