

* I hope you're not tired browsing yet. But my page is not complete without introducing you the rest of my family. Okay, here is a summary of my biography.

* I am the eldest among 8 children. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Yes, we are a big family indeed. I am very thankful to the Lord for giving us a very loving parents. We are a very close knit family. Our parents are not wealthy, but still they have given their very best to give us everything. During my school days...from elementary grade to college. They sent me to a private school just like the rest of my brothers and sisters. It was so important to them because private schools offers the best quality of education. My parents could have had a better life during their younger age if they didn't spent their fortune sending us to such schools I thought. But it was their way of showing how much they care for us. My father said that we should get what they never achieve...that means PROFESSION.

* I still recall that when I was in 1st year high (I was enrolled in an exclusive school), all my classmates came from a rich family. Later, I became close to several classmates of mine and I was invited (alternately) to their home to eat lunch. There I have seen the big difference of our own living condition. I envied the luxury they had and ashamed of our poorness...

* I can't forget the time when my classmates insisted to visit our place (well...of course I know that my turn was long overdue). I was hesitant at first...but agreed at the end. Our house (built of wood) was huge and sorrounded with flower garden, we even have various fruit trees. As a youngster, I never appreciated the beauty of the nature around me. While my mother was busy preparing food for us, my classmates and I were joyfully busy climbing up the trees like monkies ;-). My father came home later from work and the table was ready...we dined altogether. As we finished eating my mom sent us to our balcony (where mom's blooming lovely orchids where hanging). Papa went with us along with his guitar. We were singing, laughing and playing until it was time for the girls to go home.

* I was so surprised the next day as my classmates entusiastically asked me if they could come again to our place. Gush! I was wondering why? I never imagined they would like it at home. I felt pain in my heart, was embarassed to myself and felt guilt at the same time, as they told me the reason. They said that I am very lucky to have a family like mine. Most of them has related their stories to me...according to them, their parents doesn't have time to raise them personally. They grew up without their care, affection and attention. It was their housemaids and sitters who took over the responsibilities of their parents. Since the said parents were busy attending business matters and busy socializing with their businessmates. From then on and until eyes are wide open regarding this matter. "It is not wealth that could make us happy, it is the love and affection of the important people that sorrounds us." Being less fortunate is not a reason to be ashamed of. Wealth is just trivial when it comes to what we really need in our inner life".

* I am thankful to my parents for teaching me a lot about life. For giving me and my brothers and sisters an excellent upbringing. My homepage is ending here. Hopefully, some of you has learned some moral lesson from my sites. A very simple homepage but created with love and honesty.

ButterflyFe Hafner of Germany

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