Sammi's new album, "shocking pink", in stores now!

Sammi poll- Which part of Sammi has the best looking?
Sammi poll- Which Sammi's album is the best?
Sammi poll- Which concert of Sammi is the best?

NEWS: sammi's shocking colors concert will take place in September-7-2001 to September-14-2001. extra shows will be added, but it is not confirmed. sammi's new contonese album, "shocking pink", in stores now, so what your waitin' for, just go n' get a copy. sammi's new concert will hold in september 2001, have ya purchase your tickets? sammi will film a new movie with ekin cheng soon after her concert. i'll keep ya update news when more news come out! ^_^

HOT-HOT-HOT! isn't sammi hot like fire? HOT-HOT-HOT!

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