
Dino’s “19th” Birthday

Happy Birthday Dino,
to you today we sing
. We send our hugs and kisses
To you on angel’s wings.

Blowing out candles and making your wish,
Is what you would usually do.
But the only wishing going on today,
Will be us wishing for you.

Instead of giving presents
We long to hold you near.
And instead of sharing laughter,
Most likely we’ll shed tears.

So Happy Birthday Dino,
Celebrate your day up above.
Just know that family and friends on Earth,
Are sending you all of their love.

Written by Nicole Rudolph
Copyright ©2003

Our Angel

Dino we know God lent us an angel if only for a little while,
One with big brown eyes and a bright beautiful smile.
How we often wish for another minute or two,
Just for the chance to say how much we love you.

Memories of you left here with us to treasure,
Will be carried in our hearts always and forever.
You are in our thoughts as we wake to the morning light,
And carried with us throughout the day, until we sleep at night.

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2003

Angel Signs

When you are given a child to love
You never question if it comes from above
When that child is taken away
You wonder and ask God why they couldn't stay

You look to the heaven above
And ask for signs from the one you love
Each and everyday
Those signs do come your way

Keep open your heart and eyes
And look in the deep blue skies
For as the bird sings
You will find your angels wings

Their hugs and kisses are found in the warmth of the sun
As they embrace us everyone
For our angels will never leave
And will always be found in the gentle breeze

So for our children we may mourn
Because our hearts and lives our torn
And as each day turns to night
We look for our signs in Gods' promised light

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2002

Heavens Gold

Children are angels here on earth
From the moment of their birth
Tiny fingers and toes
Lullabies, hair ribbons and bows

Basketball games and matchbox cars
All our dreams wrapped in the stars
We watch you as you begin to grow
What your future holds nobody knows

We love and protect you from the start
Always fearing when we are apart
We dread the feeling late at night
Knowing that something's not really right

Then we face our worst fears
And our hearts are filled with tears
It is hard to grasp and hold
Knowing our angels have become heavens gold

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2002

An Angels Letter

We may not have been able to say goodbye
We know that this made you cry
Some of us had to leave this earth
From the beginning, even at birth

We may have been able to stay a day or two
Just to get a glimpse of you
Those of us that stayed a few years or more
Had to leave when God opened the door

So when the wind whispers in your ear
Know it is a gift we want to share
As each day begins anew
We will continue to watch over you

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2002

Dino’s “20th” Birthday

Another Birthday here without you to celebrate
No laughter, presents or birthday cake

Wishing for something that will never be
Dino, your smiling face is what we long to see

Happy Birthday wishes sent to heaven above
You are never forgotten and always loved

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2004

Dino’s Second Year in Heaven

It’s hard to believe we haven’t heard your voice,
or seen your smile in two years
We treasure the memories with our hearts still broken,
and eyes full of tears

Dino, we wonder about the changes in life you would have made
But that choice for you was taken away
A family of four, we thought we would always be
Now without you, we are a family of three

Here on Earth with our lives we move on
To others we must look very strong
A mask we wear to hide the pain, so others won’t see
But deep in our hearts it will forever and always be

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2004

Dino’s 21st Birthday

Dino, how excited you would be,
your 21st birthday, a milestone you will never get to see
Today we remember birthdays past,
especially your 18th: here on earth you celebrated last

Cherishing these memories and holding you in our hearts so dear
Celebrating your birthday, with wishes that you were here
With family and friends today would be spent
instead with tears, birthday wishes to heaven are sent

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2005

Dino’s Third Year In Heaven

It's hard to believe three years have now passed by
Our lives still shattered, no matter what we try
As each day begins, the pain is still fresh and new
It's hard to put into words, all the love we have for you

Memories cherished and thought of every day
Wishing so much, with us, you could have stayed
As long as these memories in our hearts live on
Your life on this earth, will never be gone

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2005

Dino’s 22nd Birthday

Dino, today you would turn twenty two
How we wish we could celebrate with you

As you celebrate your special day in heaven up above
Birthday wishes are sent to you with all our love

Here on earth memories will be shared today
Some will bring smiles, laughter and tears our way

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2006

Dino’s Fourth Year In Heaven

Dino, it's hard to believe four years have gone by
How we wish we could have said goodbye

We think of you each and every day
Still wondering why you couldn't stay

All the things you left behind to do
Because God had other plans for his angel...you

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2006

Dino’s 23rd Birthday

Dino, our special angel in heaven above
Birthday wishes we send with our love
Remembering birthdays of the past
Especially the one we celebrated last
Today, we will be thinking about you
Wishing we could celebrate this one too

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2007

Dino’s Fifth Year in Heaven

Five years have gone by
We still question and wonder why
So many dreams waiting to come true
But God had other plans and needed you
Dino, we think of you everyday,
Sometimes with a smile, maybe a tear or two
Cherishing all our memories, as we remember you

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2007

Dino’s 24th Birthday

Another birthday without you here
Twenty four you would be this year
Dino, wishing we could celebrate too
And spend this precious time with you
As you celebrate with friends in heaven above
We remember you here on earth with love

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2008

Dino’s Sixth Year in Heaven

Dino, memories of you in our hearts held dear
Sometimes filling our eyes with tears
The pain of losing you we still feel
Time passing doesn't make it heal
Missing your voice and precious smile
Wishing you could have stayed awhile

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2008

Dino’s 25th Birthday

Dino, wish we could celebrate today with you
Just like we used too
We send birthday wishes to heaven above
Wrapped with our kisses, hugs and love

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2009

Dino’s Seventh Year in Heaven

Dino, seven long years have passed us by
So many changes in our lives
We put a smile on our face every day
Knowing you would want it that way
In our hearts we still feel the pain
That heart break will always remain

Written by Michele Rudolph
Copyright ©2009

Web Page created by Dino's mom


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