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Game Reviews
Signatures Page 2
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Nice Cars
OK People, I did this site in 2000/2001 so don't say shit, cause I know it's shitty.
Sup, my name is David and welcome to my website. Here you will find information on cool games for XBOX and Playstation 2, really hot girl celeb pictures, Nice car pics, and online games. I hardley update this site cause im a busy busy man, lol. I still working on the site, I only got the first page of game reviews done.Oh and PPLLLLZZZZ sign my GUESTBOOK at the bottom of the page. THANKS!
Here is a little bit more about me!!!!!
I go to Bonaventure Meadows Public School, in grade seven.I live in London, Ontario, Canada. A few of my hobbies include: Playing basketball (the coolest sport ever), going on the computer (talking to my friends on MSN) and watching TV (the SImpsons and CSI!!!).
I hope to be a game designer someday, or a softwear designer or a car designer (I like designing things that are fun to design). My favourite movie is "The Italian Job" and "The Lord of the Rings Series". My favourite game for the Playstation 2 is Vice CIty and SOCOM II and for the X-Box it is Halo, Crimson Skies: High Roads To Revenge and Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow.. Believe it or not I build this whole web site in about a week ( well whats done so far, working about 30min-1hr a day ). This website is the first that I have made. This website wouldn't have been done so fast if it wasn't for my friend. He helped me alot. If you want to e-mail me please do so at [email protected] or if you have MSN talk to me by adding me at the same e-mail adrress, [email protected]. If you have AIM add me at Inferno8869.
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