Cast Page!
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I will uplode and start on the other cast in 2-4 weeks.
Real life stuff has come up.

Dominic Deegan;
Dominicis the mane character of the story. He is the middle sun of three boys. He lived out side the town of "Lyin's Brook" untill a few mounth ago. The towns people kicked him out after a misshap by Luna and a glammer by Dominic. He is glad to have is 'lovely assistant' Luna. His brother Gregory came to see him for a wile. Now travling with Luna & Spark his Familiar he's fallowing his visions. It's just another day in the life of an,
"Oracle For Hire!".
Lady Luna Travoria;
Luna is Dominic's assistant. <and crush> She is a very powerful Lady. In fact she is a sorceress!! Her mother Tried for years to get her to kll her self. $monetatry comp$ But Dominic stoped her! After Siggy killed her mother for her crimes, doinic took her home. After Luna shows him a magic formula she made Dominic fas for her! Lune later falls in love with Dominic too, and they hook up!
"Lady, Assistant, & Suicidal"
His lovely assistant & grilfriend. <(^_^)>
His lame bro. =.= Gregory Deegan;
Gregory is Dominic's yuonger brother. A teen Gregory is a 'White Mage.' He was hurt by zombies and was lame till a few weeks ago. Vistit to see his brother always involves his making a Couch Fort! He uses Spark as a cute and furry Catapult! He gets crushes on other cast members. First a princes. Than a healer,and a quite pretty one, if I do say my self. Gregory is, one of a kind.
"Teen, Mage, &
Couch Fort Defender!"
His familiar & spy! >.< Spark The Cat;
Spark is Dominic's familiar. Always on call to bug the heck out of hid boss! Spark is a talking cat! That's not the most Amazing thing about him! That is not in the least!
The trick is shuttimh him up! I am serious! Spark is A glutton for fish. He brakes all of his bosses stuff and is all around lazy! He does come in handy for comic relief. He saves Dominic's life form a lake monster. That was just after Luna foun out her mother left her alone and pennyless.  Luna + alone + bridg = Dominc the hero! Or in this case, Spark the hero! But don't weary, Spark will never let his boss or his fans down. "Cat, Slob, Life Gard!"
The Jerk >.< Lord Seigried Gunther
Aern Damsake von' Callon;
"Siggy" For short, is a 'Night of Callon.' He also is an idiot! A great fighter but doesn't seem to have great people skills. His shalow ness is why Luna tries to kill her self. "In my defense she has tusk!" Is his only respons to this. Siggy also has some honor isses as well. He lost a mach to some underling. It bruised his pride. He is not to brightest and is a bit gruff with others. This is why we love him soooooo mouch! "Lord, Callon Night,
& Royal Jerk!"
2 CUTE THIEFS! Stunt & Bumper;
Are thieves. Stunt is a jerk to a wolmen kind. Bumper is girl-crazy! Both enjoy going to jail! They'll do almost anything for the rite price. Even work for Dominic, & he is there sworn enemys! Plus they're forever trying to rob him! There  paths do cross often. Stun & Bumper are about 13-15 I think. Men of few words, they often end up runing away or well, beaten up. >.< Not much else there, but a pare of young boys.
"Thieves, Fiernds, Cute"
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