My Thoughts



Man is an animal , we try to deny it and we learn that we are better , well are we? are we civil ? , without sounding too green, we destroy practically everything we touch , we take what we want with out thinking about the ecosystem of this planet and we forget that this world doesn't only belong to us (although that's what we are taught) we share it with a lot of living beings and we have no respect for them or for their history .

Man has adapted himself to his environment , if its his colour or hair or even attitude , man was built with capabilities reflecting what he needed at that time . What will mans future look like? how will he behave and think? How advanced will his brain get , and how will he use it , how will he look , how will his physical body change to adapt to the time he will live in? History is the only way for us to know how our future will look like.

We are at the top of the food chain but we shouldn't forget that we are animals too who have the advantage of building weapon's to kill them , I'd like to see a man trying to kill a bear or an elephant using a stick .



Love .. an emotion that totally confuses us .. It has enormous power compared to other emotions it has the power to create amazing things .. it has the power to destroy a lot more then it can create ... love is a pure emotion and can make reality disappear .. it has the power of changing things ...... It can make anything possible .. or at least seem possible .. love is something we don't understand too well .. we know we all want it .. and we all look for it .. perhaps in the wrong places .. but when we find it we don't let it go ... and when we have to .. its as if we loose a piece of ourselves ...

Love is an amazing thing ... it allows a person to feel as if the universe is on his side ... It allows him to feel whole and complete .. worries don't seem to exist to him .. all he feels is happiness and a weird sensation of excitement as if knowing that his life is complete ... take that away from him .. and confusion and frustration will hit him at full force .

First love is always special .. real love not physical love .. no matter how long has passed most people will always remember the first time they felt a freaky feeling filling their body the "good" pain in the center of their chests .. as if a rope was wrapped around their heart squeezing it softly ... and amazingly that's how it hurts too when u loose your love the rope is tighter around your heart ... squeezing it uncontrollably not allowing you to breath not allowing you to forget how much you loved and letting you know what you might have missed .

Love is dangerous use it with caution and use it at your own risk , using it the wrong way will hurt more people then you would think possible .. Do not play around with other people's emotions .. you'll find that what goes around usually comes around .. with a doubled effect .

Be careful to who you give it to .. you might not get it back ...

As I wrote before ... USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK ... it may be too strong to resist .. and that's good too perhaps its good to love more and more but it sure hurts when you find out that its lost make sure you know what you get into before you give it away .. by the way .. that is not possible .. as love will confuse you .. good luck and hopefully you'll find your soul mate .



Fear is a kind of Defense mechanism ... It affects how people look at the world around them .. people shouldn't rely on fear to govern their future .. Fear is just a defensive feeling of excitement ... It has a lot of power .. and like love has a lot of destructive power in it .. although not as much ... If fear controls a persons future .. most people wouldn't enjoy as much as they should ...As much as they could ..As fear will be a constant reminder or doubt and uncertainty .

People fear the future .. not wanting to make a mistake .. thinking everything they do will come back and haunt them .. but by then you never know what they might have missed along the road .. Fear can be good and it can be bad .. a little fear gives a nice sense of excitement and a mysterious romantic feeling .. too much fear will cause a person to not be who they really are in life .. You are what you are and that cannot be changed how you chose to live with that is how much fear controls you ..Never forget who you are and what is right for you .

Decisions based on fear will always have a destructive result .. it could be that same day it could be a year after that or it could be in 10 years time .. fear has no time limit .. your physical life does though .. remember life is not as long as you might think it is .. make sure you do what you feel is the right thing for you ..Do not let fear tell you what to do ... something that is easier said or typed then done .. Most people will let their fear control their lives .. some people wont .. and they will be the happier among people .. Do not let fear decide for you , any mistake you make in life belongs to the past not the future everything can be changed .. and everything can be learnt .. we all make mistakes .. fear reminds us of them .. learn from them don't fear them .



I don't believe in God , I can accept the bible as a history book with a bit of imagination , the bible was written by a human being just like you and me , and the stuff we do to "worship" is basically interpretations made by fellow human beings throughout time , so where does God fit into this ?

Man has always worshiped things he cannot understand , The Sun , Moon , Statues that represent Gods of the sea air and what ever , what makes this God different ?, perhaps once we got to understand the other Gods we needed to find something else to rely on for comfort , something that created all and that knows all and that watches over us , protecting us.

I believe life is great , and that this universe is so huge and so infinite that if you think about how small we are and how much we don't know , its hard to say and claim what we do know is correct.

I'm against forcing religion on people I think that all the options should be shown and explained before someone makes his/her decision , and if he chooses religion then good for him/her as long as he/she has a choice I'll support whatever he/she decides.

Every day new discoveries are made , new idea's and new philosophies are created who knows what God will be in another 1000 years. Anything is possible , The Universe is big enough for any God or for no God , what lies out there is only possibility of anything and everything or perhaps nothing.



Death is something we don't understand and therefore naturally fear it , for all we know it could be anything , Doctors can tell you what happens to your physical body how what and whatever happens to it while you die , but no one can tell you what happens with your soul or energy (life energy) , If you look at it the body is basically a host and the brain as I see it as the translator between the soul and the body , and through the brain we do what we want.

Our thoughts perhaps our feelings and emotions too are basically electric pulses in the brain , so what controls that , what makes us think and be what we are and do , I don't know my guess is as good as yours , You could look at it as the energy that controls your body is you - a kind of "parasite" that hosts in a living body uses it until the body dies and then moves on , Remember energy cannot disappear or dissolve it can only transform - or so physics teaches us.



Life is interesting we don't put enough thought to how our body works , every breath we take , and the process after that , life is basically amazing , but living is extremely frustrating as stupidity is truly among us ,greed, perhaps the dumbest thing put these 2 things together and you get a dangerous combination give it a gun and it will shoot you, that only hurts and destroys other people's lives , and basically pisses me off.

Take away war , famine and sickness add to it education and understanding and of course equality , you'd get a nice combination . Until people stop thinking in one term "what's good for me" and start thinking "how can we" things will change slowly , I'm not innocent I too think about myself , its hard to make that little change , I try where I can .

Could life exist out there in the universe ? are we alone ? as I said before we still don't know enough to say yes or no BUT logically it would be unintelligent to dismiss life other then what we have here on Earth , the possibilities are endless , and personally I hope there is , it would be a boring future without knowing some thing else other then our own, sharing knowledge with them. Learning a whole *living* civilization and learning there history and their historic belief's.



I believe the universe has some kind of logic to it .. Something that right now is beyond us I don't believe in a super being or a god like creature who controls our destiny and lives .. I believe we are part of this living "thinking" universe . If we allow ourselves to open up to it .. To look at things in a different light who knows what we may find .. Things that we thought as secrets may just be in plain view. How much we allow ourselves to be "aware" of these things .. depends on how open we are willing to allow ourselves to be .

We are made of the same building blocks as this universe .... I believe people we meet everyday .. or some special people we usually wouldn't meet at all .. somehow we get to know and learn something from .. we each learn from each other .. we share knowledge.

We look at these things as coincidences .. who knows maybe they are .. is it possible that perhaps once we try and understand ourselves and try to search for what we think is the truth .. we start to understand the language of the universe?? .. Maybe these are not coincidences .. maybe they are some kind of directions to what we want to find . The way .. Something that we ourselves perhaps have placed sub consciously .

Different people teach you different lessons in life about your self .. about your kind .. or about anything else .. that may help you find what it is you are looking for .. Different people evoke different feelings .. from each one you meet along the road good or bad .. if you are able to listen .. and understand .. and enable your self .. to be aware of what's going on .. perhaps you'll be able to learn something new .. something that may help you discover what is true to you .

Something someone said to you in your past .. that stuck with you .. You may not remember who that person was or how you met them .. but you find yourself passing on what they told you .. to another person .. Who in turn .. might remember and pass that same bit of information sometime in their future forgetting where they got that information from in the first place .. We all affect each other in some way or another.

All the answers to all the questions in the universe are right infront of you .. All you have to do is understand them.


Hope and the Future

In the end the only sure thing about the future is hope , we hope what we build now will survive and have some meaning in the future . What we do and say today will decide what will happen tomorrow , so we have to be a bit careful on how we treat other people and the way we talk to other people, This world is a reflection of us , the future is a reflection of what we did ,and so far its not that good.


That's all for now ...






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