Ari's Thoughts

No philosophy here, my views are practical if anything. And I may be an idiot but im one of the smarter ones



Faith is a tool we use to grasp the reality around us and who ever is telling you differently is trying to sell you something. in order for me to believe in something it must obey one or more of these two rules I made up for my self, when the second one can overwrite the first. First rule: I believe in everything I see in front of me. Second rule: I will believe anything if believing in it serves my interests and will not believe anything that does the opposite.



once more rules. Three rules for successful living I have managed to put together during my short life and a forth one I read in some book written by a greater psycho then myself who went by the name Aleister Crowley. First rule: never forget where you came from. Second rule: always know where you are. Third rule: always remember where you are going. Forth rule: harm none, do what they wilt shall be the whole of the law. These kept me alive and well for as long as they have. And don't hold me accountable for the forth one for its the fruit of someone else's sick mind but ill stand behind the first three.



those two leged creatures that walk around u and in all probabilities pick on you, annoy you, and torment you in a number of different ways are human beings just like you... you might want to pick on them, annoy them, and torment them in a number of different ways just to make sure.



this is how I really believe this guy came to be: in the old days a bunch of priests were arguing who's deity is the most powerful one. The first said: I worship the god of the mountain the mountain is the biggest and the strongest thing in the world !. The second one said: o yeah? Well I worship the god of the clouds. Your god lives under mine so my god is stronger. The third one said: the two of you’s don't know squat! I worship the god of the sun that rise above both of your gods every day. My god is the strongest! So came the forth who thought for a while and eventually said: o yeah? Well my god is the god of everything and that's why he's the stronges of all. Now what can you say to a guy who's like that? So basically most contemporary religions are the product of the oldest form of the well known argument who is stronger spiderman or batman? (a very reassuring thought you can all take to bed with you tonight. And o yeah one more thing, We may have altered some of the names and the events in order to dramatize the plot, the principle, however remained the same.)



death is not the end of our existence. Some parts of us survive this great change, but to my opinion the most significant one of them is a few good pounds of worm food.



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