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This is my story of how I got into Witchcraft entitled:

                                My Story - Becoming a Witch

*Note: This was taken from my own Book of Mirrors*

                One day, I was selling stuff door to door for a school fundrasier - I was only about 10 years old at the time.  I went to this blue house on the corner, which was down the street from where I lived at the time.  Now at the time, I was told by my mom and dad to only go to houses where I knew people, you know to be safe.  I know that my mom talked to the lady that lived there a few times, so I knew it was okay to go up to the house.
                 I got up to the door - I didn't even get the chance to knock, when a lady with long brown hair opened the door and I said, "I'm selling (I can't remember what is was at the time) stuff for school." Then, I showed her the broshures.  She glanced at them and invited me inside.  Let me tell you this - this house, looked like a regular house on the outside, but inside it looked like a palace ~ there was this grand staircase that looked like it spiraled for miles and there stairs looked as though they were 10 feet long and atleast 3 - 4 feet deep.  The living room, which is where she told me to have a seat - was beautiful - the couch was velvety soft and white, antique looking; There was this amazing fire-place, which was lit because it was winter weather outside; and the coffee table was nothing by glass.
                She told me to stay here while she went upstairs to get her check book.  I watched her go upstairs, then I got up and looked around - you know how kids are, can't keep their hands off of anything.  I opened up a couple of draws in a box which was on the mantle piece of the fireplace, did a little snopping here and there, you know, that sort of thing.  Anway, I thought I heard a noise, so I sat back down on the couch.  Then, when I knew it was nothing, I started looking at the stuff on the coffee table, which was covered with scattered papers and what knots.  I came across a photo ID of the lady and I happened to see her birthdate/age - it said that she was 70 years old - she looked like she was only about 25.  I heard foot-steps, so I scattered the papers over the ID. 
                She came back downstairs and the phone rang.  I felt like I was sitting there forever.  The phone call finally ended and she offered me some tea while she looked through the broshures ~ I took some, of course.  It tasted very sweet and made me sleepy.  I remember resting my eyes for a moment ~ it felt like I was in some sort of a trance-spell type thing.  While my eyes where closed, I heard her chanting something over me, but I don't know what it was.  I started to come to, wake up in other words, when I heard her say, "Bless this child with the gift of everlasting youth and happiness!"  When I woke up, it felt like I was asleep for hours and I was covered with a blanket.  I got up and said that I had to be going.
             She out a necklace around me, which has a charm of a pentacle on it.  She said for me to wear it forever.  Throughout the years it got worn out, but I still have it in rememberence of that day.
              I didn't really get into practicing Wicca until I was in High School.  Actually it was more like getting back in touch with my spirituality.  I read a million books on Wicca, my favorites were Candle Magick and anything dealing with crystals.  I think it was around 1996 when I really got into doing rituals, you know for the seasons, worshipping the Goddess and God, and the elements.
              Now, my cousin Heather (Firedancer) and I do some rituals together.  We always combine our tools and make an awesome alter.
              Also, when I turned 21 I became a High Priestess.  If anybody from Southern New Jersey is interested, I'd like to start a Coven called the Sacred or Secret Sisters of Southern Jersey.
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