Matrix Figure
Jo Ann Montgomery

This Matrix figure is relitively easy to make.


*Liquitex (R) Paints and Varnishes are recommended, but any Acrylic Paint will do.

Step 1: Be sure the figure is clean and dry. Paint all skin surfaces with the Light Green or Lime Green paint and let dry.

Step 2: Paint the hair with the Dark Green paint and let dry.

Step 3: With a detail brush (or the Gel Ink Pen), paint the right eye gold and the left eye purple, and let dry.

Step 4: (optional) With the detail brush or pen, paint a red "(V)" on the gold eye and let dry.

Step 5: (optional) With the detail brush or pen, paint a black slash down the middle of the right eyelid, to simulate the gash Matrix has on that eye. Note: For steps 4 and 5, the Gel Ink Pen might be the best to use, rather than the detail brush.

Step 6: Apply the Acrylic Matte Varnish to the painted parts of the figure, following the directions on the container. Let dry.

And you have your very own Matrix action figure! ^_^

If you want to make a more detailed version, or you just want to learn more about the art, go check out the sites in The Toy Soldiers Webring.

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