You Might Be A Bootnick If...
By: Jo Ann, User Guardian 1

Jeff Foxworthy-like humor for ReBoot lovers. Mouse does the honor of presenting the "Bootnik Test".

MOUSE: "Ya know, folks, ReBoot's popularity had skyrocketed ta world-wide praportions over tha last few Usah-years. So much so, that a new type o' ReBoot fan has combe about, called, 'Tha Bootnik'. Now, thars some folks who don't know ifin thar 'Bootnik' or not, so weins in Mainframe devised this here test ta help ya'll out. So here goes...

"If ya get mad at somebody, an' ya call 'em a 'basic, random dipswitch, instead a 'stupid, crazy idiot', ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If yore doctor says you have a virus in your system, an' ya ask him ta just ring up the Super Computer an' ask Turbo for a Guardian, ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If someone asks ta see yore I.D. and ya show 'em yore PID Icon, ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If ya take tha wheels off yore car 'cause ya want to try to make it fly like Bob's, ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If ya don't play computer games 'cause ya think that if ya win, ya'll nullify Bob, ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If somethin' disappointin' happens, and ya say, 'Spam! What a tear!', ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If ya refer ta tha obituaries in tha newspaper as, 'Deleted and Nullified', ya just might be a Bootnik."

"If ya try ta start an tiff over which is better --Dot with monobreasts, or Dot, with two breasts-- in yer workplace, ya just might be a Bootnik."

If anyone has any more, "You Might Be A Bootnik If..." jokes, please e-mail me with them, and I'll put them up and give you credit for them.

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