A BIG Fish Story
By: Angel and Amazon

This was written in ICQ and is a crossover with characters from an e-mail Buffy RPG and Hercules & Xena. Drak Pack, Drak, Jr., Frankie, Howler, Count Dracula, and "Big D" are property of Hanna-Barbara. Drak as I have invisioned him here, and Isis Osiris belongs to me. Xondra belongs to Angel. Heaven also comes from the Buffy RPG, but I don't know whose character she is. Buffy characters belong to Joss Weston and Hercules and Xena characters belong to Universal Studios. Xondra is Angel's mother and the immortal First Slayer, and Drak is Angel's cousin in the RPG. At the time this was written, Xondra looked like Storm, from the X-Men. This has since been changed, explained as a curse by Hera and Xondra recently breaking the curse. Heaven is Angel's daughter from a time when he was the evil Angelus. Spike conjuring up a sea monster because Dru wanted a pet fish was my idea. Sounds like Dru, doesn't it? ^_~

Isis Osiris was walking out of Sunnydale High School where she taught computers, when a black and silver Harley-Davidson skidded to a stop in the parking lot. The rider wore black, and had a silver helmet with black bats on the sides.

"Drak. Hello. What brings you to Sunnydale High?" Isis smiled.

"Trouble," he answered. "Where's Buffy and the others?" Isis pointed up the stairs where the Slayer and most of her team were just coming out.

Xonda saw Drak and went running to him and gave him a huge kiss.

"What are you doing here?"

"There's trouble," the young man said. He removed his helmet, revealing raven hair, onyx eyes, and ivory skin. A long lock shimmered between his eyes. "We need to meet tonight at my trailer."

"I have a date tonight with Giles," Xondra replied.

"This is very important. Angel says that Spike's up to something new. He didn't say what, but he needs to talk to all of us," Drak said.

"He always finds a way to ruin my dates," Xondra pouted.

"Yeah, well Angel says it's big." Drak brushed the lock out of his almond-shapped eyes, only to have it fall back between them.

"I know well Giles always liked action over romance," Xondra said, getting serious.

"Well, from what Angel tells me, Giles will see plenty of action!" Drak laughed.

"Hey! Only I am suppose to know that," Xondra teased.

Isis smiled at her handsome racer.

Xondra noticed Buffy and the others and brought them over.

"Hi, Buffy!" Drak smiled.

"Hi Drak," Buffy said, with a hug.

"We need to meet in my trailer tonight," Drak said. "Group meeting," he added, looking at the others.

"Okay, but only if you cleaned it this time," Xondra replied sarcasticly.

"Hey!" Drak cried, offended. But he gave them a half-smile. His aunt knew that he kept his trailer clean and tidy.

"Just joking," Xondra said, giving him another hug.

Drak grinned. As a dhampir --half-vampire, half-human--, Drak Dracula, Jr. was a go between for his couisn, Angel, and their human friends.

"I can get the rest of the day off. I am the president of my own company," Xondra said. "Tell Giles I will meet him at Drak's."

"Okay," Buffy replied. "Later, guys. Later, Drak." She grinned at Angel's cousin.

"Bye," Xondra said as she waved to Buffy.

As Buffy reentered the high school to take Giles Xondra's message, Willow looked at Drak.

"Why don't we meet at the Bronze, then go to Drak's trailer together?" she asked.

Xondra looked to her long time friend and student. "What do you think of Giles?" She asked.

"A fine man," Isis said. "A little too technophobic, concidering what I teach, but still, a very fine man."

"And great in bed," Xondra joked. "But seriously, he is the love of my life."

"As Drak is mine," Isis smiled. The young woman looked fondly at the raven-haired racer. Drak blushed, bringing an unaccustomed reddness to his cheeks.

"Then lets be off," Xondra said gestureing to the bike.

"I don't think that the bike will carry more then two people," Isis smiled. After putting her books and papers in the bike's saddle bags, she climbed aboard the classic motorcycle, putting her arms around Drak's waist. Drak put his helmet back on and reattached the straps. He handed Isis a helmet, which she put on.

"That's okay. I have my Harley in the back," Xondra said, running to get her bike. In a few minutes, she was beside them.

"Does everybody else have a ride?" Drak asked.

"They do. Willow, Xander and Buffy will go in Buffy's car and Giles can go in his," Xondra replied.

"Okay," Drak said. "And Willow's right. We need to go to the Bronze first. Oz will want to be in on this."

"Uh...well, thats just it. Willow and Oz broke up rather badly and he wants nothing to do with her so do not mention her name," Xondra said, starting her engine again.

"Oh, man!" Drak shook his head. The two had made such a good couple, too! Not to mention that Oz would have been a big help to them on this case. The young werewolf was a great ally. "Let's just go to my place, then," he sighed.

"Good idea," Xondra said pulling away and going.

Drak, the racer in the family, was soon way ahead of her.

With an simple word, Xondra teleported herself to Drak's trailer and waited.

When Drak and Isis arrived, they saw Xondra's bike waiting outside the black and silver trailer.

"Why that cheat..." Drak sputtered. He hated when his aunt did that. They entered the trailer.

"Why not use magic when you got it. Besides, it is not my fault you never asked me to teach you," Xondra replied as she walked in beside them.

"I perfer my own powers and my sword," Drak huffed. He cooled down after awhile. "Want something to drink while we wait?" he asked, smiling.

"Sure, as long as it did not have a face before," Xondra joked.

"Ha-ha," Drak grinned. He went to his refrigerater and pulled out three bottles of flavored water. He handed one to each of the ladies, then openned his own and took a sip.

"Thanks. Now what has my son said to you?" Xondra asked, sitting in a chair.

"Let's wait for the others," Drak replied. He drank a little more of his water.

"Okay," Xondra said, turning to Isis. "What are your classes like so far?"

"Are you asking me how the class is behaving or how my teaching methods are?" Isis smiled.

"How the class is behaving," Xondra replied.

"What would you say if I told you they were spellbound," Isis teased.

Xondra laughed, "They must be looking up the Playboy section of the Net," she teased back.

"Not in my class!" Isis protested with a half-smile.

"Good," Xondra said smiling. "I caught one of my interns on the Play girl page and forced her to print the pictures for every one else," Xondra said.

"Did that stop her from looking up the sexy stuff?" Isis asked.

"Yep. She had to pay for the paper," Xondra replied.

"And I bet there were a lot of students in your class!" Isis laughed.

"I do not know. I run my own succesfull company with thousands of workers world wide," Xondra said.

"Oh," Isis said, embarressed. Just because Xondra had taught her, she had been thinking that Xondra was a teacher.

"Thats okay. My teaching days ended long ago," Xondra said.

Drak flopped down in a chair, his drink in one hand, and a motorcycle racing magazine in the other.

"Why do all men love cars?" Xondra asked.

"What cars?" Drak asked. "This is motorcycles!" He grinned at his aunt. "Besides, there's an article about the last race I was in."

"Why do you race. Isn't your life full enough?" Xondra said, getting up to look out the window.

"I love racing," he shrugged. I always have. And it was racing that led me back to my birthplace and my heritage."

"Yes. And back to us," she said gesturing to Isis.

"Yes," he smiled. Drak was in human form at the moment, so his teeth did not show his fangs. He would change, soon, though.

"They're here," Xondra announced as the other pulled up.

"Then I had better change," Drak said. Concentrating hard, Drak's out ward appearence changed. His racing clothes became black armor, trimmed in silver, and a red-gripped sword was at his waist. His skin went from ivory to dead white, blue color appearing between his eyebrows and the eyes. His lips became blood-red and sharp, white fangs grew over the edges of the bottom lip.

"I will never get used to that," Xondra admited letting, the others in.

"You should of seen it when I was with the Drak Pack!" Drak laughed.

"The what?" Xondra asked.

"The Drak Pack," Drak smiled. "Frankie, Howler and I were a team back when we were teens. Back then, though, I couldn't change on my own. We changed via something we called a 'Drak Wack', which was the three of us high-fiving together. Back then, I didn't have the armor or the sword. My costume was just like Uncle Dracula's."

"Sounds interesting," Xondra said, finishing her drink as the others took their places.

"It was. I wonder how they are doing?" Drak sighed, remembering his friends.

As Xondra sat on Giles lap he put his arms around her and pulled her close.

"Angel will be here as soon as he can," Drak said. "He wanted to double-check his infromation first." Drak put his empty bottle in the recycling bin, then rejoined the others, flopping down in his chair again. Xander had picked up the magazine and was reading the article.

"Give me that," Xondra said, taking the magazine from Xander and placing it on the floor by her leg.

"Hey! I was reading that!" Xander complained.

"Well this is obviosly more important," Giles said .

"You won that race?" Xander asked Drak.

"Yes," the young racer smiled. The fangs made his normally friendly, easy-going grin look frightening. Buffy, in paticular was still not used to it.

"You might want to tell us what is going on," Buffy suggested uneasy.

"Okay. This is what Angel has told me so far: Spike and company has been at the beach every night for the past week. He has heard Spike chanting a spell in ancient Greek, with the words, 'Poseidon', and 'Echidna', coming up quite often."

"It sounds familar," Xondra replied, trying to place where she might have heard the spell before.

"Who's 'Poseidon' and 'Enchidna'?" Xander asked.

"Posidon is my uncle," Xondra said.

"Your uncle --my great uncle-- is the Greek god of the sea?" Drak asked, astonished.

"Yes, and my father is Zeus so I might get some help from them on this matter," She said, thinking of her newly-found friendship with her stepmother.

"Whoa!" Drak said. "There's more to my family then Uncle Dracula let on!"

"You got that right," Xondra replied.

"As for the other name --Echidna-- she was the half-woman, half-serpent mother of all monsters in ancent Greese," Drak said to Xander.

"She was hell to fight," Xondra utterd.

"I'm sure she was," Drak replied. "Is she any relation to us, by any chance?" he asked his aunt.

"I don't know but she was getting better the last time I saw her. She even helped me fight," Xondra replied.

"Who --or what-- were you fighting?" Buffy asked.

"My husband. He was made a vampire by Hera and I killed him. That is how I became the first slayer," Xondra said, as a lone tear ran down her cheek.

"Oh, man," Drak whispered. He went to his aunt and put a hand on her shoulder. His face reflected his sad thoughts.

"It is okay. I got over him a long time ago," Xondra said as Angel came through the door and collapsed.

"Angel!" Drak rushed to his cousin. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Angel looked up, exhausted, and nodded his head. Drak helped Angel to a chair.

"Spike and Dru chased me all over town," Angel explained.

"Did you find out any more about what they are doing?" Drak asked. They were dealing with more then just vampires, now.

"I found a copy of the spell here," Angel said, giving it to his mother.

"Oh, gods," Xondra said. "They are conjuring the Sphera, the monster that sank Atlantis."

"Do you know what for?" Drak asked. His face would have paled --if it was not already as white as snow.

"To control it. The creature has the strength of forty ships, it's deadlier then Jaws and it can fly," she said, trying to remeber the incantation to reverse the creature. "I have to go to the dock and talk with my uncle. You should all come with me."

"Right," Drak said. "But why is Spike conjuring up a sea monster? Did you find that out, cousin?"

"Dru wants a pet fish," Angel said.

"UHG! I should have staked her when I got the chance," Buffy repilied.

"A pet fish?!?" Drak gasped. "Spike is conjuring up a sea monster because Dru wants a pet fish?"

"Yep," Angel replied.

"I'd ask if she was crazy, but I think I would be being redundent," Drak said. He and the others left the trailer and boarded their vehicles.

Xondra teleported them to the dock so they would not waste time.

"At least we got to bring the vehciles with us, in case we needed them," Xander quipped.

As Xondra walked up to the water she said, "Come forth Poseidon, my uncle." With that, the god appeared and scooped his niece in a wet embrace.

"Aunt Xondra!" Drak cried, gazing at his sea-god uncle.

"A great-nephew?" Poseidon asked, scooping up Drak.

"H...hello," Drak stammered. He was going to have to e-mail Uncle Dracula about this side of the family. He wondered just how far back his family tree went.

"We need your help," Xondra said to her uncle as he put them down.

"What do you need, my niece?" Poseidon asked.

"We need you to stop Spike from concuring Sephra," She said as Echidna rose beside Poseidon.

"Who isss Sssspike?" Enchidna asked.

"A vampire," Xonda replied.

"One of my brood?" she asked.

"No, one of Hera's," Xondra said.

"SSSSephra issss one of mine, I think," the snake-woman hissed. "But sssshe wasss banissshed long ago for dessstroying Atlantissss. Why doessss this Ssssspike want to bring her back?"

"Cause his girl friend wants a pet fish," Angel said.

"A pet! Thissss Sssspike wantsss to threaten the world with dessstruction becaussse hisss lover wantssss a pet fisssh?!?" Echidna writhed in rage.

"Calm down, Echidna," Poseidon said. "This is serious."

"Yes it is," Buffy said. "How do we destroy Sephra if she is unleashed?"

"Ssssephra can not be dessstroyed! Sssshe can only be ssssent back to her banissshment. For that you need three sssscalesss of a mermaid, a horn of a ssssearam, a giant black pearl from the Isssland of Missstsss, and one drop of blood from a vampire with a ssssoul."

In unison they all turned to Angel.

"Hey, Angel's not the only vampire with a soul," Drak said. "I was born with one, remember?"

"Okay, then. We have two doners," Xondra said. "How do we find a mermaid?" She asked her uncle.

"I will summon one of the Nereids," Poseidon said. He waved his trident. At once, a Nereid appeared. She looked like the traditional mermaid --a beautiful woman with a fish tail, instead of legs.

"What do you wish of me, my lord?" she asked in a voice as soft and sweet as a breeze just off the sea.

"Three of your scales," Poseidon answered. "They are for my neice," He said gesturing to Xondra.

"As you command." The Nereid plucked three scales from her shimmering tail and gave them to Xondra. "May these provide for your needs." Then, thinking for a moment, she plucked three more and gave them to Drak. "Just in case you need more," she smiled and winked at the raven-haired, young vampire.

"Thank you for your help," Xondra said turning to Giles and handing him the scales.

"Now, we know where to get the blood," Drak said. "But what about the searam horn and the black pearl?"

"Beleive it or not I have that stuff at home," Willow said.

"You do?" Drak asked.

"Yah. I have been working on my magic," she said.

"Okay. Then Angel and I have to decide which of us gets to donate that drop of blood," Drak grinned.

"I nominate both of you," Xondra said, grabing their arms.

"Wait a minute! She said only one drop of blood!" Drak cried jokingly.

"One drop, one gallon --whats the diffrence?" Xondra teased. "Now, roll up your sleeves or do I have to start telling the people how you to liked to wear my clothes when you where little."

"She's talking about you, Angel. I grew up with Uncle Dracula!" Drak teased his cousin. He undid the armor around his right forearm, baring a smooth, muscular white arm.

"Then why did people always ask you if you where my sister," he shot back, rolling up his sleeve.

"That was my sister they were asking about. You don't remember Draka?" Drak asked. "Besides, you are over two hundred years older then I am. I wasn't born until twenty-five years ago."

"If you two do not stop teasing and arguing, I swear I will get the blood from more intersting places of your anatomy," Xondra said with a smirk. "Second thought, you two would probably enjoy that."

"Hey, now! That is hitting below the belt," Angel said.

"You got the part about 'below the belt' right," Xondra teased.

Drak fell silent. He smiled and hummed a little "I'm-so-innocent" little tune as he looked around, not meeting the eyes of his aunt or his cousin.

"I would not mind them stripping," Faith said.

"Faith!" Drak cried, pretending to be horriffied. "We're in public!"

"And besides, he's my boyfriend," Buffy said, pushing the other slayer and accidently causing her to run into Drak and Angel knocking them into the water.

Drak came up sputtering. "Thanks a lot!" he yelled. He clung to the ladder, looking around for Angel.

Angel pulled himself onto the dock, grabbing Buffy by the feet while Drak grabbed one arm and Faith got the other arm. "Shall we," he asked.

"Lets!" Drak grinned. He tugged hard.

The three threw Buffy into the water and she landed with a huge splash.

Now, it was Buffy who came up sputtering.

As she climbed up, Xondra said a spell that dryed them all off.

"Thanks, Aunt Xondra," Drak smiled. He looked sheepish, and the blushing he was doing made him look like a china doll.

"No problem," she said, teleporting them to Willow's.

Drak still had his arm bared and ready for his donation of a drop of vampire blood.

"We will get the other stuff first," Xondra said as Willow went to her room.

"Okay," Drak sat down to wait.

As Willow emerged, they were attacked by a group of vampires.

Quickly, the group sprang to their feet. Drak drew his sword and, impaling one of the vampires, killed it.

Xondra pulled out her stake and dusted four vamps, causing the other to run off.

"Stop them! They took our stuff!" Willow cried.

Quickly, Drak leapt out of his seat and into the night. He searched with his eyes for any sign of the vampires.

The others watched him and followed.

"Do you see them?" Drak asked, searching frantically.

"No," Xondra said, desperatly seaching the roof tops.

"Angel, do you see them?" Drak asked.

"No," he said coming up beside his cousin.

"Does anybody see them?" Willow asked frantically.

"They seem to have disappered," Giles said.

"Great!" Buffy huffed. "Now what do we do?"

"Find them and kill Spike," Xondra said.

"Well, here's the extra scales the Nereid gave me," Drak said, giving the scales to Giles.

"Good. They took the other ones," he said.

"And we have the blood," Drak grinned at his cousin.

"We just have to get the pearl and the searam's horn."

"Yep," Angel agreed.

"Well, let's go!" Xander cried.

"Um...where? Where would the vamps take the items?" Drak asked.

"The Bronze?" Faith suggested.

"Possibibly," Buffy said. "Or the beach, whereever Spike is performing the ritual."

"That too, or the library," Xondra said.

"Three way split," Drak said. "That means we'll have to split up, too. Isis and I will take the beach."

"Not without us," Buffy said pointing to Xondra and Angel.

"Somebody has to check the Bronze and the library. You deside who goes to those places," Drak said.

"The rest of us will split up, Faith and Xander and Heaven Willow and Giles," Buffy said.

"Right," Drak said. "Let's go!" He and Isis leapt aboard his motorcycle. "If anybody needs a ride, there's my racing bike, if Aunt Xondra would teleport it here." He looked over to his aunt.

"Okay," Xondra said, teleporting the racer. "But only if I can drive it."

"Sure," Drak grinned, tossing her the keys. "But be carefull with her. I got a race next Saturday." He smiled as his aunt boarded the sleek black and silver racer.

"You always baby your bikes," Xondra said, starting it up.

"Gotta take care of my meal ticket, right?" Drak grinned.

"I guess so," Xondra said heading toward the beach. Drak and Isis followed her.

As they got to the beach, Xondra ran into an ambush.

Drak drew his sword, steering his cycle with his left hand and brandishing his sword with his right. Isis prepared her spells.

Xondra got off the bike and drew her cross bow and arrows, readying herself.

Drak swung his sword. It connected with a vampire's heart, turning it to dust.

As the first vampire attacked, Xondra dusted her quickly.

Isis's spell dusted another two vampires.

"You guys create a divertion. I will find the stuff," Xondra said, heading into one of the nearby caves, followed by Buffy.

"Right!" Drak said. To the attacking vampires, he shouted, "Come and get me, you poor excuses for vampires!"

As Xondra and Buffy entered the cave, they found the mermaid scales.

"This was too easy," Buffy said.

Enraged, the vampires attacked Drak and Angel with a new ferocity. Drak's sword made short work of the ones that attacked him.

"How are you doing, cousin?!" Drak shouted over the din of the battle.

"Fine, but do you think they know we are part of the spell?" He asked.

"I hope not!" Drak shouted as he dusted off another vampire.

As Buffy and Xondra went to leave, the front of the cave collapsed, leaving them trapped inside.

"Aunt Xondra!" Drak cried. He turned to deal with another attacking vampire, then rushed to the cave's entrance.

As he got there, Xondra and Buffy appeared outside the cave door.

"It takes more then a rock slide to defeat me," Xondra said.

Drak sighed with relief. "Did you get the stuff?" he asked.

"Yah, but it is the suff we already have," Buffy said showing him the scales.

"Any ideas where the other stuff may be?" he asked.

"Maybe they have it," Angel said pointing to Spike and Dru.

"Let's go...ask...them," Drak suggested.

"Better idea; lets go kill them," Xondra replied.

"Good enough," Drak grinned. He led the way toward the vampire duo. Xondra attaked Dru while Drak went for Spike.

The four battled until a bolt of lightning hit the ground and sent them sailing back through time.

They awoke sometime later, sprawled on the ground.

"Where are we?" Drak asked.

"In Greece," Isis replied.

"Greece?!" Drak exclaimed. "Where, exactly?" he asked.

"I mean Greece," Xondra said hitting her nephew in the back of the head.

"Ow! Aunt Xondra?!" Drak wined. "I meant, 'where in Greese are we? Athens? Troy? Thebes? Where?"

"A forest," Xondra replied.

"Oh, great. That tells me everything," Drak said sarcastically.

"Well, I have not been back for some time and Greece has majorly changed in the last six thousand years or so," she said to her nephew.

"Well, lets walk around, maybe we'll find somebody to ask," Drak said, getting to his feet and brushing his armor off.

"Hello? Can someone tell me what the hell just happened?" Faith asked.

"I don't know," Drak said. "One minute we were fighting Spike and Dru, next minute --POOF-- we're here in Oliveland."

"Lightning struck the ground, so my dad must have done this," Xondra tried to explain.

"Why, I wonder?" Buffy asked.

"The land is in Parel," Hercules said, stepping out of the thiket.

"Hello!" Willow said. "Hunk alert!"

"Hey! That is my brother," Xondra said to Willow.

"He is?" Willow asked.

"I guess that makes him my uncle," Drak grinned. "Hi, Uncle Herc!"

"Hey," he replied, looking at Xondra.

"Long story. We where teleported from the future," Xondra said.

"'Uncle Herc'?" a woman with dark hair and black armor as asked he emerged. At her back, was a sword, and at her hip was a gold and silver ring.

"Xena," Xondra said, standing up.

"Hello, Xondra," Xena smiled.

"Please tell me she's related to me!" Drak grinned.

"Nope, and shut up. I thought you liked Isis," Xondra said, hugging her old freinds. "Where is Gabby?"

"Right here!" a blond girl carring a long staff grinned. She came up with a blond young man.

"Hey, I love Isis!" Drak said. "I just wanted to know if I was related to her!" he pointed to Xena.

"Gabby, Iolaus," Xondra said hugging them both and ignoring her nephew.

"So who is this?" Xena asked, eyeing the whole group.

"Well this is Drak, my nephew; my son, Angel; Rupert Giles, Willow, Buffy, Cordillia, Heaven, Xander, Isis, and Faith. Then there is Spike and Dru. Faith, Buffy and Heaven are also slayers and Heaven is my granddaughter."

"Well, hello to you all," Xena smiled.

"Slayers?" Gabrielle asked, sencing new story material.

"Angel, Drak, Heaven, Spike and Dru are vampires, Isis and I are sorceresess, and Giles is a Watcher and the love of my life," Xondra finished.

"Half-vampire, half-human, for me," Drak corrected. "Half-vampire, Half-Slayer, for Heaven."

"Impressive," Herc said, helping Isis up.

"So you are half-vampire, huh?" Gabrielle said, looking Drak up and down.

"Yeah. But don't worry; I don't drink blood," he smiled.

"No, you don't," Xondra said. "Now are you going to lay in that swamp all night or decide to get out of it?" She asked Angel.

"Come on, cousin!" Drak said. He held a hand to Angel to help him up.

"Thanks," Angel said.

"No problem," Drak smiled.

As Angel got up he asked, "Does anyone have some dry clothes?"

"I have some pants you can wear," Herc answerd.

Cordy took one look at Herc, and said, "Oh, he'll look sooo cute in something like that!"

"Shut up Cordy," Buffy said getting up and brushing herself off.

Isis went up and stood beside Drak.

Angel soon reamerged wearing no shirt and leather pants.

Buffy grinned and, to tease Angel, gave a wolf-whistle.

Angel blushed and shivered from cold.

"Very nice, cousin," Drak smiled.

"Glad you guys seem to think so," Xondra said. With a wave of her hand, everyone was wearing the clothes of warriors from that time.

Drak's armor had not changed much --just from metal to studded leather. Isis still wore her 'Cleopatra duds', as her students had nicknamed the clothes she liked to wear.

The slayers all wore outfits like Callisto's.

"Whoa! Picture me in leather!" Buffy grinned.

"Looks good," Angel said, hugging her.

"Wait a minute: A vampire and a slayer in love?" Xena asked.

"Yep!" Buffy grinned.

"Longgg story," Willow added.

"Okay," Herc said." But tell it later. We have to move. The sun will be up soon."

"Right," Drak replied, although the sun did not bother him at all.

"How near is the next town?" Giles asked.

"Not too far. We should make it before sun-up," Xena replied.

"Yes, we should," Xondra said, teleporting them to the outskirts of the town.

"Thats a new trick," Gabrielle said as she and the others stared at Xondra in awe.

"She uses it to cheat when we race," Drak teased his aunt.

"No, I use it to ensure I win," she replied, grinning.

"That's still cheating," Drak grinned. "You'd never beat me in a fair race!"

"And you could never beet me at hand-to-hand combat, so we are even," Xondra replied.

"True," Drak admitted. "But that's only because you've had centries of practice, and I haven't."

"So the point is?" Xondra asked as she spotted an inn.

Drak sighed. He had no answer for that. Not really.

As they checked in, Xondra recognized one of the hotel managers and said hello to him.

"Greetings, Xondra! How long has it been since we last saw you?"

"Uh...a...long time," was the only true reply she could come up with.

"Well, it's good to see you again!" the innkeeper grinned.

"You too. Now, what do you have available?" She asked as he checked his books.

"A couple of rooms left," he answered. "How many do you have?"

"Uh, Lots," Xondra answered.

"Would someone take a head count, please?" The innkeeper requested.

"Thirteen, I think," Xondra replied.

"Seventeen, really," Buffy said, "counting Herc, Xena, Iolaus, Gabrielle, Spike, and Dru."

"Those two still with us?" Xondra complained.

Spike grinned and Dru smiled a sweet, little smile.

"Don't you like me," Spike said walking up to Xondra and giving her a passionate kiss on the lips.

"UGH!" Spike yelled as he went flying across the room.

"I guess she doesn't," Drak grinned.

"You do not value your life do you," Xondra asked, back-handing him up side the head.

"Hey, Aunt Xondra!" Drak wined. "I was just..."

"Don't push your luck, Drak, love," Isis smiled, coming up to him and giving him a kiss.

"Listen to her," Xena advised.

Drak blushed. Buffy couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny, Buffy?" Drak asked.

"You look like a china doll everytime you blush!" she laughed.

This caused Xondra to roll on the floor laughing, until she remebered it probaly had not been cleaned for a month.

"The boy is your nephew, Xondra?" the innkeeper asked.

"Yah, and he is my son and she is my granddughter," she said, pointing to Angel and Heaven.

"Well, I'm pleased to meet your family!" the innkeeper grinned.

"Pleased to meet you also," Heaven said.

"Likewise," Drak grinned.

"Same here," Angel said.

"Well, I think we can squeeze you all in," the innkeeper said.

"Just as long as Spike and Dru get a seprate room," Buffy told him.

"And Buffy and Angel do too," Xander chimed in.

"Xander!" Buffy looked like she was about to stake him!

"Yah, Xander. Shut up," Willow said.

"Let's see; the ladies can bed down in one room, and you fellows can have the room next door to them. This lad and lass may have the bridal chamber at the top. There are no weddings this time of the year."

"Sounds good to me," Faith said.

As Xondra signed them in, Xena led them to tables for their dinner.

"What will it be?" the waitress asked.

"I will have Beer," Xondra replied.

"Milk will do me, thanks," Drak said.

"I'll have a beer also," Faith said.

"Milk for me, as well," Isis smiled.

"Milkshake for me!" Cordy grinned.

"A milk what?" The waitress, asked confused.

"A milk...shake?" she saw Buffy staring at her. "What?"

" Uh...Milk," Cordy replied quitly.

"I'll go for a milk, too," Buffy said.

"We will all have a steak," Xena said to the waitress.

"It is the only food they serve here," Herc explained.

"Can you handle that, love?" Buffy asked Angel.

"I can try ," Angel replied, unsure.

Drak nodded to Angel in encouragemeant. If his cousin could not eat the steak...

Angel looked at the meal with contempt. "Here goes nothing."

Buffy, Drak and the others kept their fingers crossed. They knew what Angel would need as an alternative to the steak. They really didn't want to think about it.

Angel ate the steak with no problem thanks to a spell Xondra said in her mind so no one else knew she cast one.

There were visable sighs of relief from the group.

"Good stuff," Angel said.

Buffy grinned and kissed him.

Angel took another bite of steak as the others, except Dru and Spike, began to eat.

"Aren't you two going to eat?" the waitress asked.

"No. We ate already," Spike said.

"Okay," she said. Gabrielle looked a little sick just thinking about what Spike and Dru had for their dinner.

"Can we kill them yet?" Buffy asked, looking at the two vamps.

"Not yet," Xondra said. "They might make good bait."

"Bait?!" Dru squeeked, offended.

"Yes. Bait. That is all you are good for. That or we kill you. Take your choice," Xena said, disliking the girl.

Spike and Dru just stared at the warrior princess.

"Good, you made them shut up," Buffy said, thankfully.

"Is everyone done eating?" Isis asked. "If we are, we should turn in for the night."

"Good idea but it is dawn," Xondra said.

"We need the rest," Buffy said.

As they headed into there rooms Cordillia screamed. "I am not sleeping here."

"Yes, you will," Xena eyed her.

"Okay," she said quietly, hiding behind Willow.

Buffy smiled. Not everyone could get past Cordy's snobbishness.

They all fell alsleep quickly and awoke at dusk.

Everyone met in the dining area for supper.

"We should move on tonight," Herc said.

"To where?" Drak asked.

"Olympus," Xondra answered.

"Mount Olympus?!?" Drak gasped.

"Yah. I will teleport us there," Xondra said.

"If Zeus is your father, what does that make me to him?" Drak asked.

"Ah...good question; lets ask," Xondra replied.

"Okay," the young vampire smiled pleasently.

Xondra and Isis teleported them to Olympus.

"Hello..." Drak said suddenly, in surprise. He never could get used to his aunt's way of travel.

"How dare you!" Hera hissed at him. Drak jumped.

"Shut up ," Xondra said rising into the air above them.

"Is she...um...related to me in any way?" Drak asked, looking at Hera.

"Yes, she is," Xondra said as her eyes went white.

"What relation?"

"Um...she is your Great Aunt," Xondra explained.

"Great Aunt?" Drak asked.

"Yep," Xondra replied as a white light started to glow around her.

"Uh...hi, Aunt Hera," Drak smiled nerviously.

"Did I say you could speak ?" she asked angerly.

"That is no way to treat your great nephew," Hercules said.

"You!" Hera yelled.

"Nice to see you again, Hera," Hercules said sarcastically.

"Yes," Xondra said wearing a white robe.

"You're related to her, too?" Xander whispered to Drak.

"Yep," Herc said.

"Any other relatives I should know about?" Drak asked Hercules.

"Well, all the Greek gods are related to you and some of them, at this time, at least, will not want to kill you," he said.

"That's good to hear," Drak said. "When will I get to meet the rest of the family?"

"You don't want to," Athena said stepping out of the shadows.

"Uh...hello," Drak smiled. "And you would be who, and what relation to me?"

"When we get back, you are going to a library," Xondra said to Drak as she came down.

"I spend the school days in the library with Giles, anyway," Drak said.

"No, a real one, not demon one," Xondra replied.

"He's got books on these guys!" Drak protested. "I've seen them!"

"Then read them," Xondra said walking into the throne room.

"I will," Drak said. "When we get back." He sighed, and followed her.

"Good," Xondra replied.

They arrived in the throne room where Zeus sat.

"Daddy," Xondra said running up to him and giving him a huge hug.

"Xondra!" he hugged her back.

"Why did you bring us here?" she asked

Drak looked up at his powerful great-uncle.

"Yes. If you finish the quest of Atlantis you will reseve the objects you require," he said.

"And what is this quest?" Drak asked respectfully.

"A quest for the items," Is all Zeus said in reply.

"Where do we begin, Uncle?" Drak asked.

"Athens," He replied.

"Okay...what's the first clue?"

With that the group found themselves in Athens.

"Now, I know where you got your teleportation powers," Drak said to his aunt.

"Nope. I learnt them all," she replied.

"You mean you didn't inherit one power from Uncle Zeus?" Drak asked her.

"Well, I got my strength from him," she said.

"Okay. That's at least one power you didn't learn," Drak smiled.

"I also got other talents from Athrodite but you can ask Rupert about those," Xondra said, smiling.

"Later," Drak grinned.

"MOM!" Angel whined.

"Now, where do we go?" Buffy asked.

"There," Xondra said, pointing to the Temple of the Minotaur.

"The Temple of the Minotaur?" Gabrielle asked.

"Yep," Xondra said teleporting them there.

"Wonder who does the decor?" Buffy asked, looking around at the huge statues.

"Me too," Faith said.

Drak looked up at one statue that depicted a man with the head of a bull. "The minotaur?" he asked his aunt.

"Yep," was her reply.

"He's not related to us, by any chance?" Drak asked.

"I hope not," Xondra said, heading into the labyrinth.

"Right," Drak breathed, following her.

As the others followed Xondra rebembered when the minotaur had escaped and ravaged the countryside.

"What are we suppose to do, here?" Xander asked.

"Fight, run, or die," Giles said.

"Not the best options," Xander said.

"Nope," Heaven agreed.

"Should those of us that have weapons draw them?" Drak asked.

"Yes," Xondra replied.

"Just checking," he said. Drak drew his katana blade.

"Lets start," Xondra replied.

Drak and the others followed Xondra deeper into the temple.

Xondra used her power to light the way.

"How does one kill a minotaur?" Drak asked.

"With something powerful and pointy," Xondra said.

"My sword can kill any undead thing, instantly, no matter what normally kills it. Do you think that it's powerful enough to kill a minotaur?" Drak asked.

"Yes, any weapon can kill one," Giles said.

"That's good," Buffy smiled.

"Extreamly," Spike argeed.

Buffy held her stake at the ready.

"He is in the center of the labyrinth," Xondra informed everyone.

"Right in the middle of things, huh?" Xander quiped.

"Yep," Angel agreed.

Silently, the group made their way through the maze.

As they reached the center they heard a death defying cry.

"Someone stub their toe?" Xander asked. "I hope..."

"I don't Think so," Xondra said.

"I was afraid of that..." Xander groaned.

"We should move on," Giles replied.

"Right," Drak said. He held his sword ready as he followed his aunt through the maze.

As they neared the center the walls and floors began to drip with blood.

"All you vamps in the group: Stay calm..." Cordy said.

"Anybody need a straightjacket?" Xander asked.

"Will you to shut up," Xena said as she made her way to Xondra.

Angel was trying very hard to keep from vamping out.

Control yourself, Xondra said telepathically to him.

I'm tryin', Mom, he answered in his mind. Drak is SOOO lucky not to crave blood... Angel looked over at his cousin.

Drak looked back at Spike and Dru and saw them licking the walls.

"Yuck!" Drak made a face. Gabrielle looked at him strangely.

"You're a vampire, and you don't like blood?!"

"Nope," Drak smiled.

"Good," Gabby said.

Drak smiled at her. Gabby was a nice girl. He shifted his gaze to his own love, Isis and smiled. Isis smiled back.

"Who distrurbs me," The Minotaur cried.

"Your executioners," Xondra answered.

Drak moved to stand beside his aunt, katana blade ready.

Xondra hovered in the air and made a coating of white and gold armer appear around her body.

"How about giving me my metal armor back, Aunt Xondra?" Drak called up to her.

"Good piont," she said, transforming his suit.

Drak grinned and got ready to fight.

Xondra said a few words and everyone else had armer like hers and Drak's. Those with weapons got them out, ready to use them.

As they moved forward, bodies began to litter the floor.

Spike actually tried to help by jumping on the Minotaur's back and trying to bite him.

The minotaur just threw him off, then paused when he saw Xondra.

Drak, Isis and the others stood ready to defend Xondra. Xondra hovered in the air and recited an ancient spell, freezeing the minotaur in time.

"Anyone care to do the honors?" Drak asked.

"Why don't you ?" Xena asked.

"Okay," Drak grinned. Taking careful aim, he plunged his sword into the minotaur's heart.

"Now, time for the horn," Xena said throwing her chakram to cut it off.

Willow caught the horn before it hit the ground.

"Nice catch," Faith said.

"Thanks," Willow smiled.

"Where to, now, Aunt Xondra?" Drak asked.

Before Xondra could answer they where transported outside the cave.

"Now, I know what it feels like to be in the transporter on Star Trek," Xander said.

"Very funny" Xondra shot back.

"Where is the next destination?" Buffy asked.

"I don't know."

"Uh...Great Uncle Zeus..." Drak called, looking up into the sky. "Where do we go next?"

A bolt of lightning pointed the way.

"Thank you!" Drak called up.

"No Problem!"

Xondra and the others looked at Drak.

Drak just grinned back. "Come on," he grinned, heading off in the direction of the lightning.

As they followed the path they came across an army.

"Now, what?" Drak asked.

"We fight," Xena said.

"Wait," Xondra demanded. "They are here to help."

"They are?" Buffy asked.

"Yes," said a soldier.

They turned to face the soldier.

"Zeus sent us", was all he said.

"Good enough for me!" Drak grinned.

The soldiers led them to a ship, tied at the dock and waiting for them.

"We must go to the Island of Mists, to retrieve a giant black pearl," said the soldier. He motioned for them to get on board. One-by-one, the Sunnydalers and their Greek allies boarded the huge vessal.

"How long will it to take to get to the island?" Xondra asked, once they were on their way.

"Several days. Three, on the average. That's not counting how much time would be lost during storms, or if we are blown off course."


The soldier turned to Xondra.

"I hear there are vampires in your group. Is this true?"

"Yes. Angel, Spike, and Dru are vampires. My nephew, Drak, and my granddaughter, Heaven are half-vampires, half-human. My son, Angel, also has a soul, and will not feed on humans. As for Spike and Dru," she looked toward the two vampires, "we will keep them under control."

"We have been ordered to carry barrels of blood for their needs, as well as a place on the ship to stay during the daylight hours."

"Thank you. Only Angel, Heaven, Spike, and Dru will need the blood. Drak does not crave, nor does he drink, blood. And he and Haeven, both, can stand the daylight."

"We are at your service, Lady Xondra. Now, I think it best your vampires are made aware of what's waiting for them, before those two cause trouble." He pointed to Spike and Dru.

The two vampires were eyeing the crew hungerily, as if wondering who to sink their teeth into first. The crew, for their part, was tring to keep as far away from the blond vampire and his black-haired wench as they could.

"Angel; Heaven; Spike; Dru: There is several barrels of blood for you in the hold," Xondra said. "And there is a place for you to stay during the day, so I expect you to behave yourselves." She may have been speaking to all four of the blood-drinking vampires, but she was eyeing Spike and Dru, especially.

"Of course, Mom," Angel smiled.

"Natch," Heaven said.

"As you wish," Dru shrugged.

"Anythin' ya say, love!" Spike grinned.

"Don't call me, 'love'," Xondra glared at Spike. He merely shrugged as he and Dru followed Angel and Heaven into the hold.

Gabrielle was milking Drak for as much story-telling matrial as she could. The young half-vampire seemed to be all too happy to tell her the tales of his adventures. The others listened in as Drak wove stories of his super-team, the Drak Pack, and his friends, a half-werewolf named Howler, and a half-flesh golem named Frankie. Add to that the story of his great-uncle, Count Dracula, and Gabby had enough material to fill several scrolls.

The voyage to the island was uneventful. Before night fell on the third day, the ship reached the beach of the Island of Mists.

"Where do we find a giant black pearl?" Xander asked. They were in the windowless hold, planning their next move.

"In the underground grotto of Alope," the soldier, whom they came to know as Minos, told them. "There has been many tales told of Alope, but only one is true, and I know which one." Minos held their attention like a true storyteller. Gabrielle held pen to parchment, ready to write down this latest bit of inforamtion.

"Alope was a very beautiful Nereid, one of the favored of Poseidon, the god of the sea. One day, Alope had the misfortune of angering Hera, the queen of the gods, and as punishment, Alope was turned into a mer-vampire. Now, she guards the black pearl against all who seek it." Now, Minos turned to Buffy.

"If your friend is truely the Vampire Slayer, she may be the one who is said to end Alope's misery."

"I'll do my best!" Buffy grinned.

"A Nereid?" Drak mused. "We've met a Nereid before. She was huge! Is Alope also..."

"Yes. Very large and powerful," Minos answered. "Your sword," the warrior indecated the katana blade at Drak's hip. "It has the power to kill any undead, no matter what is needed to kill it?"

"Yes. A gift to my family from a wandering samurai...a warrior from the far east."

"Let her use it to kill Alope, for no wooden stick has ever slain the mer-vampire."

"Hang on to it until we face Alope, Drak," Buffy said, when Drak moved to remove the sword belt to give it to her. "Until I face Alope, I won't need it."

"Okay," Drak smiled.

As night fell, the travelers went ashore. The Island of Mists was well-named, for a light mist was constantly moving over the island, giving the place a cold, spooky feel.

At once, they were challenged by the warlord Brizo and his army.

"Who dares to trespass upon Brizo's domain!" the huge warrior roared.

"Xondra, daughter of Zeus!" the snow-haired woman announced, standing tall and regal.

"'Daughter of Zeus', is it?" Brizo mocked. His troops laughed with him. Then, a figure in black leather came up to stand by Xondra. Brizo and his men stopped laughing. They stared at the woman in surprise.

"Xena!" Brizo barely growled the name to which so many legends had been atributted to. To know that the name had a face, and that the warrior princess truely existed...

His men murmered another name, equally filled with legend.

"Hercules!" they whispered amoung themsleves, filled with awe at the son of Zeus.

Brizo could feel control slipping away. Before he lost it completely, he cried, "Attack!"

Shaken, his men rushed to obey. Under cover of the others, Buffy and Drak made their way to Alope's grotto.

They found the mer-vampire waiting for them, as huge as they knew she would be. Drak unsheathed his sword and handed it to Buffy. Not wanting her friend to be unarmed, she handed him her stake. Then, the battle began.

For a long time, Slayer and mer-vampire traded blows, Buffy, with Drak's sword, and Alope, with her claws. Each would parry the blow of the other. Drak stood by, wanting to help, but knowing that this was Buffy's fight.

With deft swings of the blade, Buffy sheared off all of Alope's fingernails, the black-coated pieces falling like spears as Buffy cut them off.

"Hope you like your manacure, Alope," Buffy quipted. The huge, vampiric Nereid charged at Buffy. Holding the sword at the ready, Buffy thrust the blade through Alope's heart. The mer-vampire turned to dust and exploded, raining its remains all over the grotto.

When Buffy and Drak emerged from the grotto, they had the black pearl with them. Meanwhile, Brizo and his army were defeated. Their task done, the travelers sailed on back to Athens.

"Now, where?" Cordy asked.

"Well, we know where to get the blood, so that's covered," Isis said. "So we only have one thing to get: The mermaid scales."

"Where are we going to get those," Drak asked. "The last time, a Nereid gave them to us."

"The ones given to you still exist," came a voice. Drak, Isis, Buffy, and the rest turned around in circles, trying to find the source.

"Where are you?" Willow asked.

"Who are you?" this was from Xander.

"Right in front of you," the voice said again. They whirled around to face a beautiful woman in a flowing, pink dress.

"Before you ask, Drak," Xondra smiled, "meet your great-aunt Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty."

Drak's onyx eyes went wide. This was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He shook his head to clear it and managed to divert his stare to the object of his own affections, Isis.

Isis fought the jealious feelings rising in her and went to embrace Drak. She pressed her lips to his, hoping to break whatever spell he seemed to be falling under.

"Where do we find the scales?" Xondra asked, hoping to aid the two with a distraction.

"In Atremis' Woods. She will allow you access, but you must do something for her. This," a golden arrow appeared in her hands, which she gave to Xondra, "will show you the way."

"Thanks, sis!" Hercules smiled.

"Anything for my favorite brother," Aphrodite smiled back. Blowing a kiss to Herc, she disappeared in a sparkle of light.

"Show us the way to Atremis' Woods!" Xondra commanded. Instantly, the golden arrow floated up, spun around, then finally stopped, pointing toward the north. As they followed the arrow, it moved just ahead of them, leading them to their final trasure.

Hours later, they stood at the entrance to the forest. Standing guard was Artemis, herself.

"What is it that you seek here?" the goddess of the hunt asked.

"The scales of the Nereids that was taken from us and hidden in your forest," Xondra answered.

"You must perform a task for me, first. Then I will allow you to enter to retrieve the scales."

"And that task?" Xena asked.

"Find the Moonbow. This is what it looks like." Artemis created a fog and projected the image of the Moonbow onto it. The Moonbow was silver, with inricate carveings of the moon on it.

"Any clues to where to start looking?" Drak asked.

"At the camp of the robber king, Actis. He is in that direction," she pointed off toward the direction of another forest.

Having no choice, Xondra and the others went in search of Actis' camp.

When they found it, they took cover behind some trees. Iolaus spotted someone tied to a stake. Xena looked when he pointed the prisoner out to them.

"Oh, no," Xena groaned quitely.

"What?" Buffy whispered.

"The prisoner, is Joxer!"

"Oh, no," Gabrielle repeated Xena's groan.

"Who?" Drak asked.

"Joxer. He's a warrior --he thinks!"

"I suppose we have to rescue him as well as the Moonbow?" Spike asked.

"Yes, we do," said Xondra.

"How?" Drak asked.

"I think I have a plan..." said Xena.

"Hello, boys..." Dru was in the sexest thing the group could put together on such sort notice. She was, by no means, Aphrodite, but she could provide just the distraction the others needed to save Joxer and retrieve the Moonbow. Plus, as delicate and helpless as she looked, Dru could take care of herself. As Dru distracted Actis and his men, Xena and Gabrielle rescued Joxer, as Drak went in search of the Moonbow. The others would attack if something went wrong.

Signing for Joxer to stay quiet, the two women cut his bonds and disappeared with him into the forest, where they circuled around to join the others.

"Now, it's up to Drak," Xena said.

The vampire warrior searched frantically through Actis' tent for the silver bow. Finally, he found it under Actis' bedroll. Grinning triumphantly, Drak left the tent and fled into the woods. He made sure Dru could see him, to warn her when to break off her enchanting spell.

She saw him, and, creating an illusion of herself and casting it on one of the men, she retreated into forest, back to the others. The man that she had cast the illusion on thought that he was Dru, and lead the other men into the tent.

In triumph, the Sunnydalers and their allies marched back to Artemis' Woods. Along the way, they were treated to Joxer, singing his song:

"Joxer the Mighty,
Roams through the contrysdie;
He never needs a place to hide.
With Gabby as his sidekick
Fighting with her little stick,
Righting wrongs and singing songs,
Being mighty all day long,
He's Joxer...Joxer the Mighty.

Joxer the Mighty,
He's very tidy.
Everyone admires him.
He's so handsome, it's a sin.
When things get grim
He'll take it on the chin
If you're in jeopardy
Caused by the enemy
Don't call the cavalry
There's a better remedy
(Although he doesn't work for free).
He's every man's trusty,
He's every woman's fantacy,
Plus he's good company.
Look out, golly gee!
He's Joxer...
Joxer the Mighty!"

Luckily, he did not have time to start up again, as they had reached Artemis' Woods.

"For you, Aunt Artemis!" Drak grinned and gallently presented the goddess with the bow.

"Thank you, nephew," she smiled. "Only one need enter. No danger awaits you." She stepped aside and gestured into the forest.

Xondra stepped forward to retrieve the scales. The total time for her to find the scales and return was five minutes. No sooner was she with them again, when a bolt of lighting struck the ground.

When the Sunnydalers awoke, they found themseleves back in twenith-century Sunnydale. Xondra retrived a drop of blood from both Angel and Drak. Smearing some of the blood on each of the other items, Xondra cast the reverse spell. Before Sphera could reach Sunnydale, she was turned back, banished once again, to the depths of the sea.

The sun was about to rise, so the Scooby gang parted ways. They returned to their homes, for they all needed rest from their adventures.

Drak drifted off to sleep, wondering what other mysteries about his family lay hidden in the realm of legend and mythology.


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