MiSTing --Almost --
MiSTed! (Almost)

A Practice MiSTing
By: Jo Ann Montgomery

Note: This is a MiSTing of my orginal MiSTing Room. Once again, because of the stupidity of the morons that hacked and vandalized my orginal site, this MiSTing does not reflect my orginal MiSTing page.

(The Bugaloos, zapped by Benita Bizarre's Sonic Zapper, awaken to find themselves on board a strange-looking ship. They begin to explore their new surroundings and discover the unthinkable:)

I.Q.: Blimey! We're in Outer Space!

Joy: What?!?

I.Q.: Somehow, we've been taken from Tranquility Forest and put aboard some sort of space ship!

Courage: You're putting us on! A spaceship?

Harmony: 'e's not kidding, mates! We are in outer space! A lot 'igher up in the apple pie then we've ever been!

Seiko: But what are we doing here?

(A pink robot flys near them, causing them to causiously back away.)

Gypsy: You're on the Satelite of Love. I'm Gypsy, your pilot, cleaning lady, cook, and all-around 'den-mother'. As to what you are doing here -- Better turn on the Hex Screen. You're being paged.

(I.Q. pushes a button. Benita Bizarre appears on the screen. Behind her are a gloating Funky Rat, Tweeter and Wolfer. Melvin --Benita's "nephew"-- and Reiko --Seiko's cousin-- are there, too, but they look rather worried. Benita casts a leer at them, her mouth as wide as a canyon.)

The Bugaloos: Benita Bizarre!

Benita: That's right, kiddies! I got tired of you beating me so much, so I zapped you and had you transfered up to the SOL. I got the idea from an old schoolmate of mine, Pearl Forester. And another idea I got from her is this. (Benita holds up a couple of sheets of paper. On the first page, in large, red letters are the words, "MiSTing -- Almost")

Courage: What are you gonna do with that?

Benita: I'm going to send it to you. It's an introduction to a page about Mystery Science Theater 3000. From now on, I'm going to send you the worst fanfics --that's fanwritten fiction, boys and girls-- I can find, and you'll have to sit through them and read them all. It will drive you INSANE! (chackles like the witch she is. Melvin and Reiko look at each other, then back at the Hex Screen, and shrug helplessly.)

Harmony: The old bat's gone off the deep in, now!

Benita: Funky...send the page!

Funky: Ja, mein goddess! (Funky pushes a button)

Benita: Enjoy! (Benita turns off the Hex Screen, laughing all the while.)

Joy: What will we do?

Gypsy: Well, there's one thing some friends of mine used to do when they were trapped here, and Ms. Forester did the same thing to them. I don't know if you'll like doing it, but it did help Mike and the bots to keep their sanity.

Seiko: What is it?

Courage: We'll do anything!

I.Q.: Whatever it takes!

Gypsy: Well, Mike Nelson, Tom Servo, and Crow T. Robot used to make fun of the movies Ms. Forester sent.

I.Q.: You mean, put them down --intentionally?

Gypsy: Yes.

Seiko: Can Bugaloos do that?

Gypsy: They're going to have to.

Courage: Well, if that's what we have to do...

I.Q.: Then we have to do it!

Joy: I suppose so. But I'm going to have a very hard time of it.

(Lights start blinking on and off, and a klaxon sounds.)

Gypsy: Hurry! YOU HAVE FANFIC SIGN!!!!!!!!!

/ * \... = 2 =... { 3 }... [ 4 ]... ( 5 )... | 6 |...

(The Bugaloos head for the theater, sitting in seats in the front row. They are seat as follows: I.Q., Joy, Courage, Seiko, and Harmony.)

Harmony: I know I'm not going to like this...

MiSTing -- Almost

Harmony: So, what we are going to do is, MiST a MiSTing website?
I.Q.: Yes, that's pretty much it.
Harmony: That's what I thought...

Jo Ann Montgomery

Courage: "Montgomery"? Hey, I.Q.! She's Scottish!
I.Q.: I noticed...

Started: 02/15/2000 Updated: --/--/----

Okay. I enjoy MiSTings. I even enjoy being MiSTed.

Harmony: She must be a real glutton for punishment.
Courage: I think the word is "kinky", Harmony.
Seiko: Courage!
Courage: What?

MiSTing is based on the show, Mystery Science Theater 3000 (hereafter, shortened to MST3K, for easy typing)

I.Q.: And laziness.

where a guy (Joel or Mike) and some robots (Cambot, Gypsy, Tom Servo, and Crow T. Robot) are stuck on the Satelite of Love (SOL) by some evil people,

Joy: Like what's happened to us...

most notibly, Pearl Forester, Bobo (Planet of the Apes reject), and Brainguy. The villians --called Mads-- send the crew of the SOL really bad movies (B-Movies), which the human, Tom, and Crow have to watch. The three of them attempt to keep their sanity by mocking --or "riffing" -- the movies.

Harmony: Just like what we're doing now...
Courage: Sounds about right...

There are MiSTings for fanfics, too, and there are several websites that have MiSTings of these fan-written fiction. The MiSTings are all in fun, and not meant to be taken seriously. If the author of a MiSTed fic can take being MiSTed, than the readers of the MiSTed fiction should not take offence, either.

Courage: Makes sense to me...
Joy: Courage!
Courage: Like I said before: What?
Joy: That's not very nice!
Courage: Isn't that the idea of a MiSTing?

Which brings me to the point of this page.

I.Q.: About time!

I have decided to try my own hand at MiSTing. I'm going to try and use different groups from my own site (the Bugaloos,

Harmony: Since when are we on 'er site?
Courage: try http://www.geocities.com/draka_dracula/Bugaloos.html
Harmony (looking at Courage): You've been to 'er site?
Courage: Yeah. How do you think we got Seiko, Melvin, and Reiko?
Harmony: Hoo...boy...

the Drak Pack, the Kids from C.A.P.E.R., etc.) for the MiSTings. The premise will be the same for each group --their respective villans have trapped the heros in the SOL, where the heros have to read the fics that the villians send them.

Harmony: Not very original.
Joy (shocked): Harmony!
Harmony: What? (turns to Courage) Now you 'ave me doin' it, mate!
Courage: Let's continue and get this over with!

None of the groups will MiST their own fanfic stories, nor will they meet, or refer to each other as "fellow captives". No group will be aware of the others' involvement.

I.Q.: In other words --total isolation. Groovy.

The MiSTings will be arranged according to group, as follows:

The Bugaloos:

Courage: We know we're here!

SOL: I.Q., Joy, Courage, Harmony, and Seiko
Mads: Benita Bizarre, Funky Rat, Tweeter, and Wolfer
Allies: Sparky, Melvin Bizarre, Reiko, and Peter Platter

Joy: At least, Sparky's well out of this mess.
Seiko: That's good.
Courage: I just wish that we were with him.

DateTitleAuthorPlot, Briefly

I.Q.: Nice little table. Well orginized.

The Drak Pack:

Courage: Sounds like a motorcycle gang...

SOL: Drak, Frankie, Howler, Draka, Joni, Frost, and Reta
Mads: Dr. Dred, Vampira, Toad, Mummy Man, and Fly
Allies: Count Dracula, Countess Dracula (Beth), Vamprina, and Dractina

Harmony: Did that say, "Count Dracula"?
I.Q. (rereading list): Yep! That's what it says, all right.
Harmony: That's what I thought...

DateTitleAuthorPlot, Briefly

The Kids from C.A.P.E.R.:

Harmony: The Man from U.N.C.L.E...
Joy: The Girl from U.N.C.L.E...
I.Q.: The Little Old Lady from Pasadina...
Joy: I.Q.!
I.Q.: Now don't start on me!

SOL: Doc, PT, Doomsday, and Bugs
Mads: Pearl, Bobo, and Brainguy (who are puzzled about the new residents of the SOL.)

Harmony: Should we tell Benita 'er old schoolmate is in this?
Courage: Nah...let her find out for herself!

Allies: Sargent Venton and Kurt Klinsinger
DateTitleAuthorPlot, Briefly

Sailor Moon:

Seiko: Sailor Moon! Anime! Yay! Jo Ann just went up a notch in my book!

SOL: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Tuxedo Mask,
Mads: Queen Beryl, Jedite, Wiseman, and Rubius
Allies: Sailor Pluto, Rini, Luna, and Artemis

Joy: Sailor Pluto? Who's that? I thought there were only five Sailor Scouts.
Seiko: Remember when Rini was talking to a "Luna-P" through her kitty-ball?
Joy: Yesss...
Seiko: That was Sailor Pluto, the Guardian of Time.
Joy: Oh. Okay.

DateTitleAuthorPlot, Briefly

Harmony: She likes those tables, doesn't she?

That will do -- for now.

Courage: That's it? It's over?
I.Q.: Not quite yet, Courage. There's a little more to go.
Courage: Nuts! (Sits and sulks in his seat.)

MiSTing Links:

Courage: MiSTing or Missing Links?
I.Q.: MiSTing.
Harmony: You mean there are more websites like this one?
I.Q.: Yep.
Harmony: Uh...oh...

The List: Hanako and Claire's place.

Harmony: Can it get any worse?

Website #9: The front door to the MiSTings Archive, in the link just below this one.<./p>

Courage: You had to ask...

Website #9 --Mistings Archive: THE place for fanfic MiSTings.

Mystery ReBoot Theater 4000 MiSTings of ReBoot fanfics. Bob joins the crew of the SOL, while Megabyte joins the Mads.

Joy: ReBoot? What's "ReBoot"?
I.Q.: The first cartoon made completly with computers. I think Jo Ann's got a page and some links for that show.

MiST Webrings: A list of Webrings about MST3K.

MSTie Ring: One of the many Webrings about MST3K.

Harmony: Lots of webrings. I 'ope nobody gets caught in one.
Courage: Nice pun, Harmony.
Harmony: Thank you, Courage.
Courage: No problem, Harmony.

The Mystery Slayer 3000: Buffy, Angel, and the gang from Sunnydale MiST SPAM and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer fanfics.

Courage: I think Jo Ann has you scheduled to become a Vampire Slayer, Joy.
Joy: Great. Just what I need. Mischaracterization.
Courage: It could be worse, love.
Joy: How?
Courage: She could have written you as a vampire!
Joy: Courage! Shh...don't give her any ideas!

Mystery Crossover Theater 3000: MiSTing fics with Angel, Methos, Duncan MacLeod, and Nick Knight.

Harmony: More fun with Angel and friends...

MiSTies have been to this page since 02/15/2000.

Joy: Cute counter.

Please sign/veiw my DreamBook!

Joy: And a Dreambook! Want to sign it?

Others: NO!

(They leave the theater.)

| 6 |... ( 5 )... [ 4 ]... { 3 }... = 2 =... / * \...

I.Q.: Well, that wasn't too bad.

Gypsy: Not bad MiSTing...for your first try. But you'll get a chance to polish it up. She's sure to send more.

Courage: Speaking of the witch, she's calling. (presses button. The Hex Screen lights up.)

Benita: Well, it looks like you've survived your very first fic.

I.Q.: It wasn't a fic, really. It was just her MiSTing page.

Benita: True. A little warm-up before we get to the real fics. Until next time, Bugaloos. (Benita closes the communications link.)

I.Q.: Well, mates. Looks like we're in this for while.

Gypsy: I'll show you around. There's lots of stuff you need to know about the SOL. Come on... (Gypsy leaves, and the Bugaloos follow her.)

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