Drak Pack Casts
Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Vamprina/Joni Harker/Dractina

Started: 11/09/2000 Updated: 01/19/2003

In recent years, there has been many cartoons that have been made into live-action movies --The Flintstones; The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas; Inspector Gadget; Rocky & Bullwinkle, just to name a few. There is even talk of live Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? and live Josie & The Pussycats movies.

Suppose Hollywood made a live-action Drak Pack movie. Who would you cast as Big D (Dracula), Drak, Jr., Frankie, Howler, Dr. Dred, Vampira, Mummy Man, Toad, and Fly? You can cast more than one person for any one role.

My Cast

From my fics: Optional.

Kittie's Drak Pack Cast

Robin Maurer/Kittie

The other three members of O.G.R.E. would be puppetry done by some company like Jim Henson studios with appropriate voices added.

In addition, I have ideas on who would play a couple of your characters.

Anyone else care to contribute their cast lists? E-Mail me.

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