Drak Pack Chat Room
By: Jo Ann Montgomery

The Players:
Jo Ann Montgomery: Amazon
Drak, Jr.: China Doll
Joni Harker (Drak's girlfriend): Cleo
Count Dracula: Big D
Howler : Wulf
Frankie: Bolts
Beth Bathory: Elvira
Misei Yareino Dracula (Drak's mom): Miyu
Draka: WonderVamp

Dr. Dred: Dred
Mummy Man: Rags
Vampira: Vamp
Toad: Hoppy
Fly: 100Eyes

And some guest stars, too! ^_^

**Amazon has entered Drak Pack Chat Room**
Amazon> Hello?
[Big D] Vello.
[China Doll] Hi!
[Bolts] Howdy!
[Wulf] Hi ya!
[Elvira] Hi!
[Cleo] Greetings!
[Miyu] Hello.
[WonderVamp] Hi!
[Wulf] You're new, Amazon. Stats?
Amazon> 35/Female.
[Bolts] Where at?
Amazon> KY USA
[Wulf] City?
Amazon> My secret for now... ^_^
[China Doll] :-[
Amazon] What do you guys do for fun in here?
[Bolts] Stuff.
Amazon> What *kind* of stuff?
[Big D] Oh, the usual: Blood-sucking...
[Wulf] Howling at the moon...
[Bolts] Getting charged up by lightning...
[China Doll] Whoa! Guys! I think we're scaring her! :-)
Amazon> Am I in the right chat room?
[China Doll] It's okay. We won't bite.
Amazon] I *hope* not...
[China Doll] :-)
[WonderVamp] This is the Drak Pack Chat Room.
Amazon> Which is the one I'm looking for.
[Private from China Doll] It's Drak, Jr.
To China Doll> Hi, Drak. It's Jo.
[Private from China Doll] Jo?!?
To China Doll> Yep! ^_^
[Private from China Doll] Tell 'em. :-)
Amazon> Hey, guys...It's Jo Ann! ^_^
[Wulf] JoJo!
[Bolts] Jo!
Amazon> Ever role-play in this chat room?
[WonderVamp] No...I don't think we have.
[China Doll] How do we do it?
Amazon> When we talk, we put it in quotation marks, along with HOW we say it. Like this: "I like -to role-play in chat rooms," she said with a smile.
[Big D] Ahhh.... :-)
Amazon> When we want to do something, we use greater than & less than signs. Like this: (looks -around the room)
[Bolts] I see...
Amazon> Or, we can use double colons. Like this: ::sees the stone statue move:: whichever -method you prefer.
[China Doll] Sounds like fun! :-)
Amazon> So, want to do it for awhile?
[China Doll] Sure!
[Bolts] You start, Am.
Amazon> Okay. (Enters ruined Greek temple)
[China Doll] "Where are we?" asks weryly. (looks around at the Greek art)
Amazon> "Whereever it is," she said slowly, "it's sure not the Parthanon."
[China Doll] "Who is this?" he asks. (points to a statue of a beautiful woman standing in a huge -clam shell)
Amazon> "Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty," she answered.
[China Doll] "WOW!" (grins stupidly)
[Cleo] (hits Drak in the back of the head)
[Bolts] Are we using our real names?
Amazon> Good point. Want to?
[China Doll] Doesn't matter.
Amazon> Okay. :-)
[China Doll] Where were we?
Amazon> Joni just hit Drak on the back of the head for what he said and how he grinned at the -statue of Aphrodite.
[China Doll] "OW!" (rubs head) "What did you do THAT for, Joni?"
[Cleo] "Don't forget WHO your girlfriend is!" she said, a little jealiously.
[Big D] "Vhot is that up ahead?" (points toward a door)
[Wulf] "Let's find out." (Enters the room, the others following)
**Dred has entered Drak Pack Chat**
**Rags has entered Drak Pack Chat**
**Vamp has entered Drak Pack Chat**
**Hoppy has entered Drak Pack Chat**
**100Eyes has entered Drak Pack Chat**
[China Doll] It's Dr. Dred and O.G.R.E.!
Amazon> There goes our role-playing game!
[Dred] Role-playing game? Sounds like fun! (sneers)
[Bolts] Well, we DO have some bad guys to fight now...
Amazon> True enough...(smiles) Shall we continue, then?
[Dred] Indeed, let us proceed...
Amazon> Okay, but no killing off of anybody.
[China Doll] Right! :-)
Amazon> We are in a ruined Greek temple and have just walked into another room. We found you -guys.
[Vamp] Sounds like fun. What are we doing in this room?
[Dred] Plotting to take over the world!
[China Doll] How?! And no "secret meetings" Dred!
[Dred] I'm really surprised at you...Drak?
[China Doll] Yeah...it's me...(blushes)
[Dred] I can see why! (sneers)
[Vamp] (snickers)
Rags] (laughs)
[Hoppy] Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[China Doll] Very funny...
[Dred] As I was saying...I'm really surprised at you, Drak. You KNOW I only devulge my plans in -secret meetings.
Amazon> Doesn't that get a little monotinious?
[China Doll] Very.
[Bolts] How about doing it differently, this time?
[Dred] Alright. I'll tell my plans to the newbie.
[Private from Dred] Here are my plans: I'm going to wake the dog of the underworld, Cerebrus, and -train him into an attack dog.
To Dred> You've got to be kidding!
[Private from Dred] You don't believe me? Just watch! (snickers and sneers)
Amazon> Oh brother! "That was a dumb plan!" she said, esasperated.
[China Doll] "What?" Drak said, worriedly.
Amazon> "He's going to use Cerebus, the pet of Hades, as an attack dog!"
[Dred] "What's so dumb about it?" Dr. Dred asked, looking offended.
Amazon> "Duh! Did it ever occur to you that the three-headed mutt already HAS a master?" Jo -Ann asked. "And a very powerful one, at that?"
[Dred] "And who would THAT be?" he asks, sneering.
Amazon> (a rumbling is heard. A vampiric-looking man in black, Greek robes appears. There is an -arua about him)
[Dred] "ACK!"
[Amazon] "Him. Meet Hades, the lord of the dead."
[Dred] "O.G.R.E. --RETREAT!!!!!!"
**Dred has left Drak Pack Chat**
**Rags has left Drak Pack Chat**
**Vamp has left Drak Pack Chat**
**Hoppy has left Drak Pack Chat**
**100Eyes has left Drak Pack Chat**
Amazon>"BAIL!!" (Runs out of the temple)
[China Doll] (Right behind Jo Ann)
[Wulf] (Likewise)
[Bolts] (Ditto)
Amazon> "Everybody out?" she pants.
[China Doll] "I...I think so..."
**Matrix has entered Drak Pack Chat**
Amazon> Hey, 'Trix! ^_^
[Matrix] JoJo?
Amazon> Yeah.
[China Doll] Friend of your's?
Amazon> Drak...you don't recognize MATRIX? ^_^
[China Doll] Matrix?
[Matrix] Drak?
[China Doll] Yeah...it's me...
**Megabyte has entered Drak Pack Chat**
[Matrix] (V)_O!
[Megabyte] Hello!
Amazon> DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
[China Doll] Uh, oh...
[Big D] Vhot?
[Matrix] (Fires Gun at Megabyte)
**Megabyte has left Drak Pack Chat**
[Matrix] (Blows the smoke off the business end of Gun)
[Elvira] What was THAT all about?!
Amazon> Matrix does not like Megabyte...
[Miyu] We noticed!
**AndrAIa has entered Drak Pack Chat**
[AndrAIa] Hi, everyone!
[Matrix] AndrAIa! :-)
[AndrAIa] Sparky! (hugs Matrix)
**Bob has entered Drak Pack Chat**
[Bob] Hi, guys!
Amazon> Hi, Bob!
[Bob] Hey, Jo! :-)
**Little Enzo has entered Drak Pack Chat**
[Little Enzo] BOBBBB!!!!!!!!! (runs at Bob and tackles him, knocking him down)
Bob] Hi, Enzo...
Amazon> You never learn, do you, Bob? ^_^
[Bob] I guess not...^_^
[Bolts] I wonder who ELSE is going to show up...
**Xena has entered Drak Pack Chat**
[China Doll] You had to ask...
[Xena] Hello!
Amazon> Hi, Xena! ^_^

This is one fanfic that will probibily keep on growing!

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