Mighty Orbots: The Shadow Mirror Saga:
Chapter 2: A Dark Mirror


By: Jo Ann/Dia


Rated: PG


Belladonna screamed as she went into labor. Sweat poured down her head and body as she struggled to give birth to her first child.

Nine months ago, she had captured, tortured, and raped the Orbots' Commander, in an attempt to humiliate him and cause his decent from heroism. But the young man was brave and strong, and had the willpower to resist her every attack. She might have succeeded, if not for the arrival of Mighty Orbots, and Dia, she who held the young commander's heart.

Now, the offspring of that forced union was being born. Just a few more pushes, and the agonizing pain would subside and finally end.

The cry of a healthy infant filled the air, and the attending midwife prepared it for presentation to the mother.

"It's a boy," the alien woman told her. She handed the bundle to Belladonna.

The baby had black hair, and blue, cat-like eyes. His skin was human peach, with a blue star shape over his left eye.

"He's beautiful," Belladonna whispered softly. "My little Hoshi Me --Star Eye." Even if what I did to get him wasn't very pretty, she added to herself. Carrying an infant in the womb for nine months, then giving birth had changed her own character. Once, she was deadly suductive, doing whatever Umbra told her to do. The closest thing to "love" that Shadow agents were allowed to feel was its twisted counterpart --"lust". And one man she had "lusted" for was the handsome Orbots' Commander. Almost every woman in the galaxy did.

But, although he was friendly and gallant to most of the women he met, only one woman held the young Commander's heart: Dia, daughter of Rondu, the Elven commander of the Galactic Patrol.

So, Belladonna had stole the Orbots' Commander away, tortured him, then raped him. The orginal plan was to torture him until he screamed or begged for mercy. He could then be killed without him becoming a martyr. Belladonna had even planned to spare his life, if he would agree to be her slave. When she saw that he was not going to surrender himself, she had decided to take matters into her own hands. She had planned to continue raping him --interchanging with the torture-- until she either broke him, he escaped, or he was rescued.

In the end, the Orbots' Commander was rescued by Dia and Mighty Orbots the day after Belladonna first raped him. She, herself, had bid a hasty retreat, leaving him to Dia and the Orbots. But she had what she wanted. And the baby had brought out a Belladonna that she did not even know existed. A kinder, gentler, more humane Belladonna.

I hope that you may one day forgive me, Commander. If you could but see the changes your --our-- son has wrought on this --former-- Shadow agent...

Belladonna was in hiding, at the moment. The other Shadow agents had dasterly designs on her child, and she was not going to allow them to take him away from her.

A crashing at the door drew her attention. The baby begin to cry at the loud noise. Through the ruined doorway came several of Umbra's minions. One quickly bounded up to her, and grabbed the child.

"Foolish woman!" their leader snarled. "Did you think to elude us forever? We claim this infant in the name of Lord Umbra, to be raised in the Age-Accellerator to be Lord Umbra's heir! And neither you nor Mighty Orbots will be able to stop us!"

With that, the Shadow minions left. Belladonna, weak from giving birth, could do nothing to stop them. For hours after they left, the distraught former-Shadow agent sobbed for her lost child.

Presently, she stopped crying. Rising unsteadedly, Belladonna made her way to the where her space ship was hidden. She would have to seek out the one person that could help her. And he was also the one person who had every reason to hate her.

The baby's father: Commander of the Mighty Orbots!


Dia, Rondu, and the Orbots watched as Rob --as the Orbots' Commander-- worked out in the gym at the Galactic Patrol Headquarters on Earth. It had been nine months since his ordeal at the hands of Shadow Agent Belladonna. Modern medicine had healed his physical wounds in a matter of several days, but the wounds in his mind and soul had taken longer to heal. Three months later, Rob and Dia had married. Now, Dia was six months pregnant with their first child.

Rob worked out with his sparring partner, Jace Lee. Jace was a young recruit from Japan, who had been taught karate and other "martial arts" by his father and grandfather. The use of the martial arts had been declining in the police force for centuries, in favor of newer methods of fighting, and Jace Lee wished to bring them back into use by reteaching vollenteers in the Galactic Patrol. For the time being, Rob was his only recruit.

Sweat ran down Rob's face and body as he blocked and countered Jace's punches and kicks. The pants of his karate gi were the traditional white, but he was bare-chested. The belt he wore was green, indicating how far he had advanced in his lessons. His hands were protected by karate-boxing gloves, and a red headband was tied around his head. Rob had a little more muscle on him, now, then when he started, but not much. He was still of average build, but he had gotten noticiblly stronger in the past few months.

"Come on, Commander!" Jace urged. "All I'm getting from you are blocks! Throw some punches and kicks!"

"I don't want to hurt you, Jace!" Rob replied. He blocked another punch that Jace aimed at his chest.

"Punches and kicks are part of the training, Commander. You think your enemy is going to be afraid to pour it on when he finds out that you won't hit back?"

For an answer, Rob crouched down and used a sweeping foot kick, knocking Jace's legs out from under him and causing the young Asian to fall to the floor.

"Like that?" Rob grinned. He stood up.

"Not bad..." Jace commented. He shifted his position until he was crouched near Rob. Then, he let fly with a foot sweep of his own. Caught off guard, Rob landed on the floor.

"But remember to watch your opponent. Not everyone will do the honorable thing and wait for you to get up."

"I'll...remember that..." Rob smiled weakly.

"Let's hit the showers," Jace smiled back. The two had become good friends since they started training, two young men with the drive and the abilities to protect the universe.

"Okay. How about joining Dia and me for dinner tonight? We're having pasta and meat sause."

"Thanks, Commander. What time?"

"Amout 8:00 P.M."

"I'll be there..."


The hanger was dark and empty of people. In the center sat a giant robot. Those who saw it could almost swear that it was Mighty Orbots.


This robot, however, was all dark blue. It's name was Tobor and it used to be a Shadow robot. It had been used by Shadow to frame the real Mighty Orbots. But Rob and the Orbots had deactivated and captured Tobor. Only Rob's intervention saved the giant robot from destruction.

If there were anyone in the hanger, they would see a hole open in the ceiling. The hole grew until almost the entire roof had disolved. Then, a light beam shone down upon Tobor, illuminating the huge robot in a golden glow. Slowly, Tobor floated into the air and out of the building, as if attached to invisible wires.

In a matter of moments, Tobor had disappeared. If anyone had been watching, they would have seen that the ship that had stolen Tobor belonged to Shadow.

It would be a month later that Rob and the others would discover the reason for Shadow's recapture of Tobor.


"Dia," Rob sighed, "we've been through this a hundred times! The baby's gonna be here in two months! It's just too big a risk!"

"Rob, darling," Dia replied, "it's just to visit your friends in the New Kenyan tribe. It's not like we'll be going into battle, or anything like that."

"But there's always the chance that we might, too!" he argued. "Umbra may be dead, but Shadow still exists. If I've learned anything from my imprisonment by Belladonna is that Shadow wants me DEAD! Not just a prisoner, not just a slave --dead!"

At the mention of Belladonna's name, Dia's eyes flashed with angry fire.

"Don't EVER mention that...that...Shadow Witch's name in my presence ever again!" She snarled at him.

The vehmence of Dia's words took Rob by surprise. Seeing the hurt look on his face made Dia regret her harsh words and tone as soon as she had spoken.

"Oh...Rob...I'm so sorry!" She held her arms out to her mate, tears of remorse appearing in her eyes.

Carefully, gently, Rob slipped his arms around his wife in a loving embrace. The violent storm already over before it had barely begun, husband and wife stood quietly, enjoying each others' closeness. A soft, gentle, warm kiss to her lips told Dia she was already forgiven.

"I love you, Rob," she whispered softly.

"And I love you, Dia," he answered just as softly.

He held her like that for a long time. Dia lay her head on Rob's shoulder, rubbing the bulge of her abdomen where the baby was.

"Please, Rob; let me go with you. Just to be near you. I promice: No battles."

Rob sighed. He never could resist his wife when she pled with him like this. He loved her far too much. And it was just a peaceful visit to some friends. The chance for battle was practically nil.

I wonder if all fathers-to-be become paranoid...

"All right, Dia," he agreed. "But if we encounter a combat situation, you will be taken to safty the first chance we get. Agreed?"

"Agreed," she smiled. She kissed his lips. "Thank you."

The Orbots, who had been watching the exchance since it had begun, let out a collectived sight of relief. They loved the two humans with whom they shared their existance, and any little tiff worried them.

Within the next hour, Rob, Dia, and the Orbots were on their way.


"Hujambo, my friends!" Chief Hasani greeted Rob, Dia, and the Orbots.

"Hujambo, Cheif Hasani!" Rob replied, smiling. The villiage children surrounded the Earth visitors, clearly both excited and curious. The legend of Mighty Orbots was well known to them, and to actually meet the Orbots and their human leader would be a story worth telling to their own children and children's children for years to come.

Thema, Chief Hasani's queen, noticed Dia and her advanced condition. She and Dia spoke of motherhood and other women's concerns, while their husbands talked of times past. The Orbots entertained the children with tricks and stories of their adventures.

None knew of the alien presense in the jungle. A presense that will change their lives for all time.


Belladonna rested in the branches of the tree as she hid from the hunters passing underneath. She had seen Mighty Orbots arrive and split into his six component Orbots. As she watched the Beamcar come in for a landing, the ex-Shadow agent's thoughts returned to the those fatefull days of the capture of the Orbots' Commander.

Now, she was have to seek him out. The future of her --and his-- son, depended on it.

A movement below her drew her attention. To her horror, the hunters had spotted her. Expert climbers, some of the natives were in the tree and were hauling her out. Where, once, she could have destroyed them with her Mutron, Belladonna only followed them. Part of her hoped that they weould lead her to the Orbots' Commander.

The other part of her dreaded the confrontation if they did.


There was a commotion at the edge of the villiage, and all shifted their attention to the returning hunters. Everyone became quiet as the men and women approached the village center.

The chief approached his warriors, speaking briefly with the lead hunter. Then, he turned toward Rob, Dia, and the Orbots.

"Commander!" he called toward Rob. "There is someone here that you may wish to speak to!"

Rob made way toward the chief and the crowd of warriors, followed by Dia and the Orbots. The circle of men and women parted to reveal a familuer female figure.

"Belladonna," Rob said evenly, without a hint of the emotions raging inside of him.

"She who violated you, Commander," Chief Hasani intoned. He handed a spear to the young officer. "It is your right," the Chief said, "as the one wronged, to kill the offender."

Rob thought about those days six --or was it seven?-- months back. All the torture he has suffered as Belladonna's prisoner. The pain and humiliation of the rape. For the first time in his memory, Rob felt hated. And he did not like the emotion.

"Do what you will with me, Commander," Belladonna whispered, sinking to her knees. "But killing me would endanger an innocent."

Belladonna's words had the effect she wanted. The implied threat to an innocent life stopped him from whatever action Rob had been about to enact. He looked at her questioningly.

"What 'innocent life', Belladonna?" he asked slowly.

"The product of my foolish actions at the end of your captivity. A life that has worked its own miracle on this former Shadow agent."

"Belladonna," Rob stared at the alien woman, "are you telling me that your...that you...and I've got a..." Rob was in shock at this news.

"You --we-- have a son!"

Nothing could have surprised or shocked those gathered more than this piece of information.


"You should see him," Belladonna smiled wistfully, forgetting for a moment her predictament. "He has your skin and blues eyes --although the eyes have cat's pupils-- and black hair. And there's the cutest little blue starburst over his left eye. I named him 'Hoshi Me' --Star Eye."

Rob stole a glance at Dia, checking for a reaction. She stood watching the proceedings, her face an unreadible mask. Given Dia's earlier rection to even the mention of Belladonna's name, there must be a storm brewing behind those beautiful blue eyes.

"What about him being in danger, Belladonna?" Rob asked, looking back at the ex-Shadow agent and bringing her back to the reason she had been seeking him out in the first place.

"Not long after I gave birth, the other Shadow agents found where I was hiding. They invaded my hiding place and took Hoshi Me. They boasted that they were going to age-accelerate him and make him the 'Heir of Umbra'. I...I...couldn't stop them," her voice dwindled to a sob.

"Do you have any clue to where they might be?" he asked.

"During the time I was searching for you, I heard rumors that he was being kept in...in..." Belladonna hesitated. If he knew...

"Where, Belladonna?" Rob pressed. He had to know!

"Commander," she sighted, "this won't be easy for you. The place where Hoshi is being held is the same place where...," she hesitated a moment more, summoning all her courage to complete her answer. "...where I kept you prisoner!"

She heard Rob suck in his breath at the reminder of his captivity. To rescue his son, Rob would have to revisit the cave where he had spent those nightmarish days and nights of torture.

Without realizing it, his grip on the forgotten spear eased, until it finally clattered to the ground. Rob did not give it so much as a glance as his thoughts whirled around his head, slowly coming together for a decision.

For a long moment, now one spoke. Then the silence was broken by a familer voice speaking unexpected words.

"You must rescue your son, beloved," a soft voice said. Rob turned to see ont that he would always love, no matter what happened.

"Dia..." he began.

"Dearest, I love you more than you can possibly know. You have been through so much pain and hardship, especially in the last seven months. But did those days as Belladonna's prisoner kill the good and gentle man I fell in love with? Or did I marry an empty shell, incapable of compassion? I wouldn't ask you to do this for Belladonna. I'm asking this for that little baby that Shadow has put in danger. He's the one that needs your help, now. It doesn't matter who the mother is. The father is a kind and compassionate man. Could you live with yourself if the child came to harm?"

Rob locked eyes with Dia. His Elvadorian bride knew him heart, mind, and soul. What must she be thinking right now, he could not guess. To allow him to leave now, to return to his place of torment in order to rescue the son of her husband and a Shadow agent...

Rob nodded, an expression of determination on his face. The last time Dia saw it was when the Orbots had been framed by Tobor, and she has told the Orbots' Commander to prove the Orbots' innocence.

"Orbots --UNITE!" he commanded, his gaze remaining on his wife's face. She smiled back at him. Then Rob and Oh-No leapt into the Beamcar and flew into the doors in Mighty Orbots' chest. In moments, the team has blasted off on their mission of rescue.

Everyone watched them leave. When the giant robot was out of sight, Dia turned toward Belladonna.

"While they are away, we are going to have a little talk. Just you and me, woman-to-woman. About my husband..."

In Chapter 3: Light Mirror/Dark Mirror, Rob and the Orbots confront the age-accelerated Hoshi Me --now Kage Kagami --Shadow Mirror. But is the boy truely "Umbra's Heir", or is there more to this child of light and dark than meets the eye?

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