The Moonwater Holt

Jo Ann/Starbolt

Started: 04/29/2002 Updated: 04/30/2002

"Elfquest art copyright 2002 Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved."

I also attest that the name, "Moonwater Holt", the tribe names, and wolf names are my own and was not copied from anyone else.

A note: If you've been to my Dungeons & Dragons page, Hero's Keep, you'll notice that my elf character is named Starbolt. Well, that was the orginal name of my ElfQuest character. Thus, both elf characters are named "Starbolt". They are, however, two very different characters.

Cheiftess Starbolt's Wolfriders are decendents from the splinter tribe led by Two-Spear when he left the orginal Wolfrider tribe to his half-sister, Huntress Skyfire. Over time, many groups splintered from Two-Spear's tribe, forming tribes of their own, setting off in many different directions.

The tribe that Starbolt was to become chieftess to finally came to a small waterfall in the forest. Because they found it during a full moon, the tribe named their home, Moonwater Holt.

There are no trolls in the nearby caves, but there is a tribe of humans living just on the edge of the forest. They are more curious than suspecious of the "little wolf spirits" that live in their forest, so there is sort of a "truce" between the two tribes. Wolfriders have often guided lost humans back to the human villiage, and on occasion, have shared their catches and even healed members of the human tribe. In return, the humans have gone so far as to defend the elves and the forest against Children of Gotara who wanted to kill the "wolf demons". There is an area near the forest that the elves usually go to, called "Soil of Peace", where they speak and deal with the humans. It remains to be seen.

StarboltFemaleCheiftess/RockshaperMoonbowStar StalkerFemale
Day DreamFemaleStorytellerStormDreamieFemale
StormMaleHunterDay DreamFirefightMale

Fire-LightMale12StormDay Dream
Peach-Pit (Mute. Sends only.)Male16FarstoneDaffodil

On Site Links
Fanfic Library: Where ElfQuest fanfics will go.
Web Dolls Room: More of my online dolls.

Dolls: All bases from Bugtown, by Rachel Post. (Link also below.)
Starbolt; ElfQuestMoonbow

ElfQuest.com: THE ElfQuest Site.
Elfquest Webring: See also below.
Bugtown: Rachel Post's site. Has Elf bases for ElfQuest elf dolls.

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