Jo Ann

GURPs Banner

Started on: 02/27/2005 *~*~* --/--/----

Disclaimer: GURPS is owned by Steve Jackson. I just play it. The banner above was made by copying-and-pasting the image from the GURPS site. I only did so to use as a link to the GURPS site.

I've recently become interested in GURPS --Generic Universal Role Playing System. Basically, that means that, anything you can think of, you can create characters and scenarios and play them. It's like a Western version of Big Eyes, Small Mouth, the Anime Generic RPG. And you could probibly play anime characters in GURPS, too.

I got interested in GURPS when I was looking for an RPG that could be used to create any character or scenario. BESM was the first such RPG that I obtained. I does well, but is more for anime than anything else. What I needed was something that I could use for absolutely anything.

That's where GURPS came in.

The first GURPS book I got was GURPSLite (find the link at the official GURPS site, in the links.). But I wasn't prepared to print up 32 pages. Lucky for me, then, that I found an affordible copy of the Third Edition of the Basic rules at The Great Escape, a comics shop I frequent. I got a bonus, too: The copy I have is signed by Steve Jackson, the guy that created GURPS!

GURPS Links:
GURPS, Official Site: Go here for everything GURPS, including GURPSLite, a 32-page introductory book in PDF format. Need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view.
GURPS Web Ring: A GURPs Webring.
The Central Nexus: Lot's of great GURPs stuff here.
GURPS LiveJournal Community: A group on LiveJournal for GURPS players and fans. You have to be registered at LiveJournal before you can post.
Furry Stats for GURPS": If you like Furries, here is some rules for Furrie characters in GURPS.
The Great Escape: The comics store where I found my GURPS Basic Rules book.

More to come...

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