Goth Club
By: Carson Demmans

Note: If Carson Demmans reads this, please send me your e-mail, so that I can make a link. Thank you.


Vampira looked up at the teenaged mortal in the black t-shirt screaming to be heard over the live band at the goth club.

"That's the oldest pick-up line in the book," she replied. "And I should know. I was there when it was invented."

She smirked as the disgruntled youth moved away from her. As she did so, she missed seeing a caped figure glide across the dance floor towards her. She looked behind her as a hand firmly gripped her shoulder from behind.

"Vampira," a familiar voice said. She looked up quickly as she recognized it.

"Drak," she said asa she looked up. "Always good to see a familiar face in here."

"Familiar but not friendly, Vampira," the hero replied. She looked around the room at the scowling teens jerking their bodies to the music.

"In here, Yours is as friendly as faces get. Have a seat. Where the rest of the Drak Sad Sacks?"

"That's Pack," he said as he sat down. "Howler has trouble getting into clubs that don't allow dogs, and Frankie's been banned from every dance club in town since he put his foot through the floor of a place last month, so it's just you and me."

"As it should be," she said softly.

"What?" Drak replied as he cupped one hand to his ear.

"I said I'm not here alone," she said, yelling slightly. Drak jerked his head around looking for an ambush.

"Relax," she added. "I'm here with Mummy Man, but he's in the kitchen. He works here part time and gets me in for free."

"Why does he need a part time job?"

"The guy wears nothing but ancient Egyptian white linen," she shrugged. "You should see his dry cleaning bills."

"Then why are you here Vampira?" Drak asked, scowling at her. She shrugged again as she pointed at the girls dancing, and their heavy eye shadow and white faces.

"Every once in a while a girl likes to be told she isn't wearing enough make up. For me this is the only place I can get that."

"You mean that's it? No evil plans?" Drak asked skeptically.

"I have plans," she whispered. "The only person who might think they're evil is your girlfriend."

"WHAT?" Drak shouted again.

Vampira smiled.

"I said great band, huh?"

The End

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