Gypsy Dracula
By: Jo Ann/Gyspy Dracula

Gypsy Dracula was born of a vampire father and a wizarding mother. Her life was pretty much typical of a middle-class childhood prior to her tenth birthday.

When Gypsy --birth name, Jema-- turned ten, she began developing the skills that would earn her the name, "Gypsy". She found that she could use almost any normal object to foretell the future. Using a normal deck of playing cards, she began her career as a fortune-teller. As she gained experince with her gift, she went professional, earning her own income. In time, she obtained clothes along the "Romanticsized Gypsy" theme --Think Esmeralda, from The Hunchback of Norte Dame-- and a deck of Tarot cards. With the new "costume" and deck, she soon gained the name, "Gypsy".

On her eleventh birthday, she recieved a letter of invatation from Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. Like all other students of the wizard school, Gypsy got her supplies from Diagon Alley, and was soon on the Hogwarts Express to her new school.

She was soon "sorted" into Gryffindor House, were she now lives with her pet cat, Wen --and about another thirty-or-so other Gryffindors.

Follow her adventures in the Harry Potter fanfics on this site!

Gypsy Dracula

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